Hard Pill to Swallow

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(Neaus POV)

The pigmen and wither skeletons were now at war. Fighting to see which side is worthy of the king's crown. "The pig king's fall has started this civil war, tearing apart the unity of the Nether. The pigmen shun the withers and no good is coming from thins fighting but bloodshed of our own, what now my lord?" Kralos the wither knight asked. "Good, let them underestimate us. They know nothing of my ties with the nether princess. One shudders to imagine what power I can forge with the nether star born from her death. The pigmen are yet to see our true power when we strike. When their tyranny falls, everyone shall bow to me as their new king. And I will restore the nether back to its former glory." I say while looking over the blood red Nether as the pigmen and wither skeletons fight for their lives. Lava pouring from the roof spilling in to the ground below making a sea of hot red lava. The fake nether pig king sat in the throne with his long golden sword standing behind the chair wearing the crown that is meant for ME. I am slowly walking towards the edge of the netherrack cliff with the Abigail the nether princess in my hands, dead. I then toss her in to the lava, watching her fall in to the lava was going to be like taking the crown of the king. When her body hits the floor of lava the nether star that I have been wanting to have is now mine and it was just floating in front of me. Instantly all the guards that were behind me, bowed and so did Kralos. I let the nether star take control and its consumes itself in to me giving me more power then ever. 

///In the overworld with some of the pigmen///

Me and the other pigmen are rummaging through what we think was a fight between the Frostbourne and Herobrine. I turn my head and see Herobrine dead head lying on the floor. I pick it up and see if there is anyone watching. There was a wither skeleton that was missing an arm that was walking around but I didn't care and I just started to walking back to the nether portal with the others. 

(Neaus POV)

I walk over to the stand that the ruby thorn staff was sitting and picked it up. I look at it closing and for some reason everything that I did with the princess, all the training, fighting and sacrificing guards for her to train, had flashed before my eyes and I didn't know what to do but ignore it. I walked outside and Kralos and the same wither guards standing then waiting to see their new king. "Its time to take back what was always meant for me!" I say to Kralos. We get to a nether portal and go through where me and the other wither skeletons are going to attack the pigmen in the overworld. I come running from the tall grass with the ruby thorn in my hand ready to swing. The leader of the pigmen was the only one with a shield and blocked my first attack but what surprised me was that he was the only pigmen that didn't look like the others, he was pretty good with his sword. I can hear the sound on wither skeletons slicing off heads and the sound of Kralos hitting everything in sight with his giant axe. I am still fight this idiot but after a bit I got rid of his sword and knocked him down. He was laying on the floor, looked over Kralos who had killed almost all of his men and then I threatened to kill him if he got up. I look over at Kralos who nodded at me, and then I let up the leader and he started to run for his life. Kralos was holding the one thing that we came here for, Herobrine's head and it looked like his power was still working. My eyes glow red with power and anger knowing that soon I was going to rule the Nether.

///With the king///

 "You were meant to bring ME the head, WHERE IS IT?" I yell. "I-I'm sorry sir" the pigmen said. I grab him by the neck and hold him me up looking dead in to his eyes. I throw him to the floor killing him, and the other pigmen look scared.

(Neaus POV)

I place the head on a soul sand stand and then suddenly bright lights flashed everywhere, lightning struck things, and shook the castle. I appear on the balcony and see Kralos and a guard down on the floor looking at me. I held the ruby thorn in my hand and in the other had small sparks of lightning. I look down to see the king and the rest of the pigmen are charging towards me and the skeletons. I teleport about 10 feet behind him ready to fight. I charge towards him then teleport to him swinging the staff but he blocked it. We are both swinging and dodging each other, when he knocks me down he was about to kill me but I was fast and turned over on my back blocking the shot throwing his sword away but he did the same to the staff in my hands. I was furious, my hands both covered in lightning sparks as I teleport towards him punching him eight times before he fell to the floor. I grab the staff and force it through the kings neck killing him. I stand over his dead body with a slight puff in my breath when I grab the crown and put it on. All of a sudden I can feel all everyone's eyes on me, looking at their rightful king.

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