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(Rain's POV)

"Are you okay?" A girl had asked me. The girl had greyish skin with a red shirt and black shorts with boots and for some reason two blades. I get up from the tree I walk over to the other person that was facing away from me. "HEY" I yell as I grab their arm and force them to turn around. He looked at me and saw the scar and then looked behind me as if was looking for what caused it. His dark purple eye looked at me with disgust and when I open my eye he seemed surprised by it. Out defence, I throw a punch right at his face and he didn't like the fact I was trying to put up a fight so he started to swing back and try punch me with his crossbows attached to his arms. He missed his shots and when I found an opening, I punched and kicked him twice before he had fallen to the floor and then out of nowhere, a blade came flying towards me and when it landed, the girl from before had teleported to that spot. She then run the opposite direction, the same way Stella had ran. I turn around and the man from before, was now standing behind me and was filled with rage. He dropped his crossbows and wanted a fist to fist fight with me. I gladly accepted the fight.

(No One's POV)

Stella was roaming the floors of the nether fortress, know that she now belonged there. Blazes, Pigmen, Skeletons and ghasts all looked at her not know what was happening. None of the mobs attacked her, only looked. The girl who's name was Ciara, had found the nether portal Stella had used, but it was broken. Rain had won the fight between him and the man but was kind enough to help him stand up. Back in the nether, Ciara had made it into the fortress and was now on a killing spree, trying to find the demon girl. The two girls made it out of the nether on their own with out each other knowing but when Stella has stopped for a breath, she saw Ciara leaning against a tree, playing with one of her blades. Stella was clearly scared and dint want to fight her. The demonic girl summoned a sword and was ready to fight. The two girls started fighting. They were both really fast on their feet and neither of them got hit by the other. Ciara was now teleporting around trying to find an opening to hit Stella. Ciara teleported into the air and was falling down to Stella, but she used a spell and stopped her fall before hitting the ground. Stella had Ciara stuck in the air with a spell, then she slammed Ciara against a tree and used her magic sword to pin her there. Stella then didn't know what to do after so she just ran away. Ciara wasn't able to get out of the blades grip and was stuck to the tree, just out of reach from her blades. Rain and the other man, Kane, found Ciara just moments later still stuck to the tree. Rain released her from the tree using a spell from the spell book. Stella was wondering around and found Zeganirn's almost dead body laying in the middle of broken nether portals. He was missing an arm, bleeding everywhere and his eyes were flickering white and purple. Out of nowhere, there was this bright light coming from somewhere in the forest and so Rain, Ciara and Kane run towards it. Stella was trying to keep Zeganirn alive but he was sacrificing his life to stop Stella from killing herself. Stella was in pain from using that much magic and couldn't handle it. When the other three got there, they were really surprised at what they found. Ciara was about to follow him when Kane stopped and said, "No Ciara, let him go by himself." Stella was standing just above the dead body of the once End Dancer, as he held a poppy in the only hand that he had left. "STELLA!" Rain yelled as he ran for his life towards her. Stella turned around and saw the boy running towards her but her eyes were now back to being crystal blue. Problem is, she still looked like a demon.

(This is probably one of the shorter stories and that's why it came out early. Anyway have a good rest of your day/night) 

Rainimator FractursDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora