Gotta Get Outta Here

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(Hilda's POV)

It was another fresh start in Frostbourne today. It was quite nice not having the Nether attack, especially today with the sun shining down on us and the snow partially melting. I was looking at the board in front of me that had the map of the overworld and where the next attack was going to be. I heard a whoosh of wind behind me, and I knew it was going to Lyria. I turn around to see the young flyer in front of me. She somewhat reminded me of Lady Azura. With the different hair colours, the wings suit, and the goggles resting on her head. "My scouts report that the Nether is pushing northwest, capturing every small town and village on the way. Their advance isn't stopping anytime soon." Lyria told me with a salute at the start but then worry came through her high-pitched voice near the end. I thought for a moment and then said, "Huh, even with the Nether King gone, they can still mobilize their armies. Maybe he's not as dead as we thought. Who is leading this attack?" I ask. Lyria thought for a moment before saying, "They call him...Hogsworth, a conqueror of the Nether Empire." "Very well, let's put an end to his happy little conquest!" I said smiling as I made a fist and put it in the air.  "Commander. It's too dangerous to face them given our small number. Our outpost is just an obstacle, they will easily plough through. Shouldn't we give this place up and regroup with the main army?" The girl said freaking out.  I put my hand across my chest, threw it down, and said "No. We can't let them push any further it will endanger our people! Lord Patrick is sending reinforcements. We just have to hold long enough and pray they arrive in time." I sighed at the end from exhaustion but the Lyria freaked out again saying, "-But commander, we don't stand a chance! What if we lose the outpost before they get there" she said waving her arms in the air. She put her head to the ground. I place my hand under her chin and gently lift her face and say calmly, "Don't fret.... I have a contingency plan my dear Lyria. A blizzard is upon us soon. It's our key to turn the tides of war." pointing to the sky. The girl next to me freaked out and said in a frantic voice, "Blizzard?! Commander, I don't get how that's any good for us. If anything our army will starve or even freeze to death!" I couldn't help but giggle at how concerned she was for the Frostbourne. I take a few steps forward and say, "You have much to learn..." I walk to the edge of the raised platform I was standing on and the other knights seemed to notice and came walking over. "We are the Frostbourne!" I say making my voice louder. "We've called the snow biomes our home since the dawn of time! The biting cold is our way of life, while our oppressors are spawns of fire, who will crumble when the weather becomes freezing. Stare them down as you thrust your weapons into their flesh, reminding them that this winter land is not theirs to take!" They cheered and whistled, throwing hands in the air out of excitement.

"Death to the Nether Empire!" I chanted. This was it. Time to kill some bastards and take back what is rightfully ours. Lyria drew her sword and joined the cheering. 

(No one's POV)

Moments later, the soldiers were ready to stand their ground. Guards were yelling, giving them orders on where to stand and when to open the front gates. Soon the gates opened and the soldiers ran outside and stood in a defensive line with their spears drawn. 

"We go in strong and fast. Got it?" Lyria asked her fellow elytra corps, saluting them.  

Hilda, Lyria, Agatha, Virmir, and Syphion were holding a meeting and talking about the best plan of attack.

"The Nether is going to attack from here to here. If we stay stationed in and behind the trees, we should be able to get the drop on them. There is going to be more of the nether so be prepared. I want you best soldiers of the bigger threats but leave Hogsworth to me" Hilda stated while pointing to a map on the table and one of the back of a chair.  

Hogsworth was preparing for the worst. He put on his best amour made from the strongest material, his sword sharpened so that it would cut the skin like butter and his shield was reinforced so that it was twice as strong. He had set up camp on the west side of the mountains with blaze, ghast and many pigmen holding banners, marching towards the Frostbourne. "You might want this" A pigman grunted from behind as he showed Hogsworth an ender pearl. Hogsworth nodded and took the pearl as he turned around and walked outside. 

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