"Oh! He went there! Snap!" Jason, the shitstarter, snarked. "What will be Dickface's answer?"

"I do not have a ginger harem!" Dick's voice reached new heights as he exclaimed scandalized. "I am a married man, a very happy married man. Thank you very much!" Dick huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "What about you? What about your fuck buddie Hal Jordan? Or your high school sweetheart Oliver Queen? Or maybe the fact that every Justice League member wants to bang you!"

"That is not on me!" Bruce exclaimed, voice breaking by the end. "And it is the same for you! Your Titans would do anything to get you and Starfire in their bed again!"

"Not my husband!" Jason piped in, as he chuckled breathlessly, from where he was laying on the couch, drying his tears off. "What?" He lifted his head to ask, when everything went silent. "What's with those faces?" He frowned defensively, noticing his family staring at him stunned, even Tim had lowered his camera in shock.

"Little Wing... you are MARRIED?!" Dick shouted, sounding quite heartbroken.

"Shit!" Jason cursed, eyes widening in panic. "Yeah... about that, Roy and I decided to elope to Las Vegas after all the wedding organizing drama you and papa Bats over there went through." Jason smiled nervously, as he laughed awkwardly. "But hey! I finally got to adopt Lian! She is now Lian Damia Harper-Wayne officially!"

"She is Wayne..." Bruce whispered in delight. His granddaughter, was finally his legally. "Oh, Jay-lad! I am so happy for you!" Bruce exclaimed and dragged his three sons into a hug. Damian's threesome completely forgotten for now.


In the present moment, Damian found himself surrounded by a group of close friends, their laughter echoing through the air. Duke, Maya, Mara, Alec, Suren, Colin, Cullen, Jon, and Nika sat by his side. As the group bantered and teased, Damian's eyes twinkled with mischief. His lips curled into a playful smile as he joined in on the good-natured ribbing. Colin and Cullen, their newfound relationship in the spotlight, became the targets of their friends' affectionate taunting. Damian couldn't help but find joy in the blossoming romance, reveling in the happiness that enveloped his friends.

The atmosphere was filled with warmth and a sense of unity. In between bouts of laughter and friendly jibes, Damian's thoughts briefly wandered to the dreams that still lingered. They were an ever-present reminder of the future they had averted, the pain they had chosen to shoulder. But now, in the company of his friends, he found solace in knowing that he wasn't alone in this journey. They had all faced their own battles, fought against the weight of destiny, and emerged victorious. The dreams, though still challenging, had become manageable.

As the teasing continued, Damian reveled in the lightheartedness of the moment. Though, Damian couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in the dynamics. His keen observation picked up on the budding connection between Jon Kent and Nika, an unspoken but palpable affection that seemed to be blossoming between them. A connection that made Damian's heart swell with a mixture of relief and happiness. He had been aware of Jon's previous crush on him, a fact that had occasionally created a sense of unease in their friendship. Damian cared deeply for Jon, valuing their bond, but John had always understood that romantic feelings weren't reciprocated. Seeing Jon move forward, finding a potential love interest in Nika, brought a sense of peace to Damian's heart.

As Damian's thoughts wandered, his musings were suddenly interrupted by Maya's playful teasing. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she playfully remarked, "Come on, Damian! We've heard rumors of your beloveds, but you've been holding back on us! We've hear you will bring not one, but two stunning dates to your father's wedding. We want all the details! Did it really give Dick a heart attack?"

The Unholy TrinityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz