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After a month since Dream's rescue, Billy and Dream find themselves face to face once again. Billy was still in awe of Dream's ethereal presence, especially now that he was meeting with the Endless in his mortal form. This time, however, Dream has something important to share with him.

"Champion of Magic, it is good to see you again," Dream greeted Billy regally. "I trust the passing month has treated you well?"

Billy grinned with a mix of excitement and curiosity. "Dream, it's an honor to be in your presence once more. Especially, since it is in better conditions."

"You possess an uncommon depth, Billy Batson," Dream smiled faintly. "I have glimpsed your path through time, through the memories you shared with me, that is why I have sought you out again." Billy's eyes widen with anticipation, realizing the significance of Dream's words. "In your future, Billy, I have observed your endeavors to try and save the Earth from an impending doom," Dream's voice was filled with a mixture of solemnity and compassion. "Your courage and determination have not gone unnoticed. And so, as a token of gratitude, I have undertaken certain actions."

Billy leaned forward, eager to hear more. He might have seen horrors beyond words, but his childish excitement was something that not even death could take from him. "What actions? What have you done?"

Dream paused momentarily, his voice carrying a weight of both melancholy and resolve. "I had learned from my mistakes, as the future me in your memories has. As such I've started fixing my mistakes. I have freed my ex-lover from the depths of Hell, releasing her from eternal torment. I have also granted my ex-wife liberation from her servitude to that abhorrent author, allowing her to find her own path once more." Billy's emotions surge with a mix of surprise, relief, and gratitude. "I've also reunited with an old friend of mine, Hob Gadling. He is quite eager to meet you. I know that you are no longer a child in mind, but your body is, and human society requires you to have a home and guardian. Hob will be more than willing to take that place, as even with your future years you are still quite younger than he is. A child in his eyes and mine."

"Dream, I... I don't know what to say..." Billy was overwhelmed, his voice filled with gratitude. His family will always be Raven, Damian, and John, but he always yearned for something more... for a parental figure to call his own. Now as an adult in a child's body (Billy could not stop snickering at the irony of that), he believed it impossible. But Hob Gadling is centuries old after all, and Billy could behave as a child with him and allow him to pamper him. "Thank you."

Dream nodded, his eyes carrying a glimmer of empathy. Empathy that Dream did not have when Billy had rescued him. It seems that the memories Billy had shared with Dream had allowed both versions, this timeline and the other timeline, Dream to fusion. "It is the least I could do, given your efforts to protect the realm of dreams and your genuine desire to make amends."

"What about the Vortex and Coracint?" Billy inquired.

"I already took care of Coracint, I will be remaking him one day. As for the Vortex... I cannot allow it to live," Dream shook his head with a grimace. "So, the same it happened in the other timeline will happen again. I took the Vortex powers from Rose Walker to Unity Kinkaid, not before allowing them to find Jed Walker. They had some days as a family before I had to take Unity Kinkaid from them."

"I'm glad," Billy sighed. "At least, Jed Walker was saved from that horrible foster family. I never met him, but I heard a lot about him from Gault. That's right! What about Gault? She is back to being a Nightmare, right?"

"Do not worry, I've already allowed her to change," Dream assured the Champion of Magic. "Gault is now a Dream, just as she so desired... let's just say that my realm is wondering if I had been replaced with someone new. Though, Lucienne rationalized the change is because of my time imprisoned."

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