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In the future that will never come, Lucifer met their beautiful and lost great-grandson after he had lost everyone in his life, except for his beloved Raven. At first, Lucifer loathed the fact that their blood was tainted with humanity. However, with time they got to know Damian and how strong he was. Lucifer scoffed at how Damian's life was an ongoing battlefield and an eternal funeral, blaming humans and their corruption. Lucifer could never understand why their father was so obsessed with these failed creatures. Why do they get freedom? Why could their father not grant the same gift to his angels? His perfect creations...

Envy and jealousy drove Lucifer to rebel, and he was punished for the desire of having free-will. At least, that's what Lucifer had believed all his life. Ever since the fall. When his face took a crimson red monstrosity form, when his beautiful white-pearl wings turned haggard and black. That was until their great-grandson made them see things differently.

"Did he punish you? Or did he give you a realm so you could do what you wanted?" Damian had confronted his great-grandparent, making him turn to him startled. "In Hell you have free-will, to do as you wish, to shape anything and anyone in here as you desire. You believed that humans were flawed and needed to be punished, your father agreed and sent you the ones who failed their test while they lived. I don't believe he ever wanted to punish you... he simply sucked at communication. I should know, my baba is... was horrible at that too."

Lucifer began seeing their great-grandson different after that. They began seeing humans different, if their father and them could commit a mistake like humans did... were they that bad? Humans can commit the worst crimes, their kingdom was full for a reason. However, they were able of selfless kindness in a way that so few beings were capable of. Their world was under siege of parademos and instead of running on their animalistic survival instincts, they create communities to aid each other- not that there are not many of them that would do anything to survive.

Their great-grandson who was tortured raised to kill and destroy, instead gathered the survivors, and opened the doors to Gotham City, Nanda Parbat, and Infinity Island to over a billion of survivors. Which, in reality, were those few that have survived out of seven billion. If their great-grandson was capable of such change, against all odds, why can't they change too?

Right after realizing that Lucifer's face returned to their previous beauty and their wings were back to the pearl-white wonder they used to be. It was then that they realized that their father had not been punishing them, but they had been punishing themselves. It was then that they decided to change, with the aid of their great-grandson and his beloved, the Queen of Darkness. With time and many therapeutic sessions, Raven had studied Psychology, Lucifer realized their true purpose was to help heal the lost souls of Hell so that they can finally find peace and move on.

What was a greater purpose than to heal and help the souls trapped in Hell?

Hell became a place where people would be judged and given a sentence, that sentence will be for how long they will be tortured for their crimes. They will be given a punishment, as their crimes on Earth need to be paid for. However, after their sentence is fulfilled, they will be tested and aided to become the best possible versions of themselves. Architects will create the fake Heaven, where all their needs, like paying rent and work, will be fulfilled and they could focus improving as people. In the new system, their actions on Earth will serve as a baseline to "determine how hard or easy your test is." At the end of each test, the person will undergo an evaluation and assist to therapy, before being rebooted in a new scenario with a vague memory of what they did right and wrong the last time around. The scenarios will be designed by a demon architect, while rank-and- file demons will play the roles of humans in the test scenarios.

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