Sweet Sacrifice

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"He is getting better," Superman commented as the Justice League Trinity watched Hawkgirl and Flamebird chase each other in the air. "She was the better option to mentor him in his flying abilities."

"Well, they both have wings," Diana commented with amusement. "Their method of flying is different from yours."

"You are right," Clark agreed. "Though, it does make me feel a little bit sad. Here I thought that I would finally be able to teach a bat to fly."

"You already have enough on your plate with Superboy, Bizzaro, and your son," Bruce grumbled. "Get your greedy hands off my son! I already have enough with the Lanterns trying to steal him!"

"Possessive," Diana teased laughing with Clark. "How is Flamebird dealing with his new physiology? Yesterday we were sparing, he could match me in physical strength, speed, and stamina. Though, I still beat him, as it was clear that he still has no complete control of them."

"It's challengingly," Bruce answered slowly. "His body changed from one of a human with magical fire powers to one with fire and the physiology of a Nephilim."

"His control is outstanding," Clark praised him, chuckling when Bruce preened like a proud papa. "I was not at that level when I found out about my abilities. What is his secret?"

"A cup of tea, meditation, and yoga in the morning," Bruce answered in amusement. "He has a very healthy lifestyle, he wakes up with the sun and goes for a run with his pets, then finishes his morning routine with meditation. Then he has a vegan healthy breakfast with a cup of tea, and then meditates before starting with his day."

"Is he truly fourteen?" Clark asked his friend in disbelief.

"He will be fifteen soon, though I also ask myself that," Bruce agreed with his friend's surprise.

"I can't wait for the party, I am sure Flamebird will love my gift!" Diana exclaimed with excitement. "I also can't wait to meet Constantine's new kid. She is young Abuse and Shrike's age right?"

"Yes, she is 12," Bruce hummed, watching as Flamebird barely evaded Hawkgirl's grab and won their game of tag not by ability but by outsmarting her. Bruce could only smile in pride of his wonderful son. "Her name is Nika Constantine, her hero name is Flatline, and she used to work under Lord Death Man. However, Lord Death Man's immortality and powers came from the Lazarus Pits. With the passing of time and them gone..."

"Ouch," Clark winced. "How is she handling his death? And what about her reaction to Flamebird?"

"She does not blame him, as she realizes that Lord Death Man's death was never Flamebird's objective. Honestly those kids are more mature than most adults I deal with," Bruce answered. "The two of them became quick friends really, I would even go as far as to say she has a crush on him."

"The Wayne charm strikes again," Clark teased with a chuckle. "What is it with you Waynes? Making us all fall for you as if it is a game to you. Poor Jon now has some competition."

"Us?" Bruce turned to Clark with a raised eyebrow, making him blush and stutter until Bruce had pity on the Kryptonian. "I should say the same about you and Diana."

"R-really?!" Clark asked him in excitement.

"Really," Bruce agreed with a small, barely there, smile.

"Boys, what would you do without us?" Diana shook her head. "I love you, the two of you. And you both love me and each other. See? Simple!"

"Hahaha!" Bruce laughed, taking them both by surprise. "Yes, simple. We should talk about us when we return from Apokolips."

Right, the Batclan was taking The Nest and traveling all the way to Apokolips for the signing of the Acrobaleno Alliance that symbolizes the unity of the Lantern Corps. They were taking Hal Jorda, John Stewart, and Guy Gardner with them. In Oa they would be picking up the new Earth Green Lantern Kyle Rayner. Flamebird's friends Da-kun, Pa-kun, An'ki, and Zanny, were already in Akropolis waiting. The Birds of Prey, the Constantine Coven, Arsenal, Cheshire, Batwoman, Signal, Agenct C, Spoiler, and Bluebird, were in charge of patrolling Gotham City and Bludhaven until they got back. It truly showed how much Bruce has grown, as before he would have never trusted others like this before.

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