Okay, this girl is now seriously scaring him. Maybe he need to move somewhere else. Change his lock or something.

Dara placed a bowl of noodles in his table and opened the cover.

"So. As a peace offering, I cooked you breakfast," Dara continued. "So we wouldn't have to go out."

Donghae reluctantly looked at the bowl of noodles. It was reddish in color. The noodles are soggy. There are some vegetable he couldn't identify and there are a lot of peppers floating.

Donghae drew back. "Thank you, that's really sweet but I had just breakfast."

Dara's smiling face fall. "You don't want it? You don't accept my apology?"

"No." Donghae shook his head. "I... could never be... mad at you. I accept your apology. I'm just... full."

Dara's mouth turned downward and was quivering. "I had never cooked in my life and this is is the first time I had actually made something for someone. But you don't want it... you don't want it. I guess, I wasn't really that important to you huh. Okay, I understand. I'm not going to bother you anymore." She started to pack to the bowl.

"It's not that," Donghae said stopping her hand but Dara just pushed his hand away, still continuing to pack what food she brought. "Okay, Ill eat it." What he wouldn't do for a fucking bet!

Dara stopped and turned to him with a radiant smile. "Really?" She put the bowl in the table again and opened the cover, and handed Donghae the spoon. She pulled the chair and told Donghae to sit. Donghae sat eyeing the noodles in distaste. If it tastes as awful as it looked, then he might end up being brought in the hospital.

"Go on," Dara urged with a frenzied smile on her face.

Donghae scooped a litte and tried to open his mouth. He could feel it shaking. But Dara took the spoon before he could taste it and to his horror, scooped a lot and put it in front of his mouth. He tried to decline but the minute he opened his mouth, Dara put the spoon inside it.

"So? How does it taste?" Dara asked.

Donghae swallowed and it only took a moment before he felt his mouth on fire. He coughed, his face going red as he also felt his throat burning.

"Oh my gosh," Dara said calmly. "Are you okay? Do you need something to drink?" Donghae had managed to nod his head amidst all his coughing and Dara took out one bottle inside the plastic bag she had, uncapping it. She gave it to Donghae and he immediately tipped the bottle to drink. Then sprayed it. This was the same soup he just ate! He really felt his mouth turning into ashes now. He scrambled off the chair and went straight to his refrigator to gulp a carton of milk.

Dara just leaned on the table studying her nails as Donghae drank his milk then stood up straight and put a worried expression on her face. "Are you okay? I thought you wanted the soup, I didn't understand you wanted milk. Did I made it too hot?" She bit her lip as she saw his lips starting to get puffy and red. Donghae could only grunt, making sounds she didn't undertand.

"You don't like it," Dara said. "I knew it. I just knew it. If you don't like my cooking then you really don't like me. Fine, I don't need you." She dropped the spoon with the clatter. "You can just throw this in the garbage. Like you did my heart." Then she turned around and walked out.

By the time she was waiting for the elevator, she was laughing hysterically, not able to hold it in. She is so evil! And she's damn proud of it. That little asshole would better remember not to mess with her. The elevator door opened and she walked in still laughing, punching the Ground Floor button when a hand suddenly stopped the door from closing. Her eyes went wide as she saw Donghae. She immediately turned her laughing into wailing.

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