"To where?"

"To catch the other you. He has to know something about the pearls!"

"Aeri, wait for me!"

"What.. what was that?" Hyunjin asked baffled. It's fair to say Chan and DaEun were the same.

"That was you." The voice replied.

"I don't remember any of that"

"That is because you never lived it. But it still was you."

"I don't understand" Hyunjin replied back.

"It's an alternate reality, right?" DaEun guessed. "It's him, but not him. And those pearls they are talking about must be the jewels you mentioned, the Tide jewels."


"Fine, with all happening right now, I wouldn't think an alternate reality is impossible. But why are you showing us this? What does it have to do with us?"

"It's the soul connection" Chan finally spoke. "We are being shown a different reality from this one in which Hyunjin is also struggling apparently for the same reason as us. What I still wonder is, if it is an alternate reality, why is there someone else, and not DaEun?"

"What do you mean?" Hyunjin asked back.

"He was with someone named Aeri. She seemed familiar with the jewels, or at least as much as involved as you... the other you. But there is no Aeri in our reality, and also.. there was no me."

"Yes there was" the mist once again replied, while it moved back to where it was, smaller.

"Show me then" Chan dared.

"You already saw yourself"

"It's the one the girl mentioned to Hyunjin" DaEun added. "She mentioned "the other you", so that must be you indeed".

"Incorrect." The mist assured. "Human birth is something unplanned. There can be lots of skins throughout time or alternate realities, but the soul remains the same. I believe you two already knew."

"So you're telling me.. Chan and Hyunjin are the same? Imposible. They don't even look alike."

"Do you believe in reincarnation, DaEun?" The voice asked.

DaEun remained silent. It's not that she didn't believe, but she didn't ever have time to sit and think about it. However at this very moment, she recalled every single time Hyunjin and Chan said similar things, behaved the same or acted the same. 

"That's why we both had the same family crest in our possession, or, well, the jewel."

"Souls are destined to be together in all lifetimes and realities. No matter who you are, how you look, not even your name. Sometimes it can be the same, sometimes will vary. But if the soul is destined to be, it will."

"If he is my reincarnation, why am I here with him at the same time?"

"Jewels can alter time as well as reality. You time traveled by having the jewel with you".

"I had no jewel with me when all of this happened. When we crossed paths for the first time." DaEun affirmed.

"Once the jewel finds you, which ever the way, it will do its job. It is not necessary to have it in your hand for it to work. In your case, not only one of you already had a jewel, but you all were at right place and right time. That is the essence of soul resonance".

"So by just being close to the same spot.. we did it?"


"All along it was ourselves who put us in this situation?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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