Chapter 14.

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"I'm sorry"

"Why are you here?"

"To apologize"

"I don't believe you"

"I'm not surprised you don't"

"Mr Hwang, You don't have to come here to apologize"

"You came to my office and ranted about it and now you're telling me I don't need to apologize?"

"You're apologizing just because you feel forced to do it, not because you mean it."

"I mean it"

"You don't"

"I do"

"You dont-"

"Oh DaEun, I'm sorry, but can you and your new man lower a little your voice? It's late."

I didn't even notice we were speaking loudly, so the old lady neighbor came out. I'm sure she did it only to see who he was.

"Sorry, mrs Moon, we'll lower our voices" I bowed and apologized. I glanced at mr. Hwang, who was just looking at her, to which kicked his leg. 

Before he could even look at me offended, I pulled his coat and made him bow too.

"No worries kids...."

She eyed us suspiciously before going back inside her apartment. He cleared his throat and turned back at me.

Maybe moving too fast made me feel dizzy, but as seconds went by, I started to feel weirder.

"I'm just trying to apologize-"

"Sure, mr Hwang, whatever say"

"Are you okay Lee?"

"I-.. yeah I'm fine" lights went out for me, it was sudden.
"Lee, wake up" I could hear mr. Hwang's voice, but I couldn't open my eyes at once. They felt heavy, and so did I.

Slowly, I was able to open them. I was laying on the couch, and mr. Hwang was kneeling.

"You were burning a while ago, but it calmed down now. Did you know you were sick?"

"I mean.." I blinked slowly, "my nose felt itchy, but I thought it was just a cold-" I stopped talking.

"What?" He asked.

"Stay away" I tried sitting down, "you'll get sick too-"

"Don't sit down, stay like that. Don't worry about me either, I'll be fine." He waved his hand at me and stood back up, walking away to the kitchen.

Is he really here wasting his time?

"I made some soup, I hope you don't mind I cooked here"

"You... You? You touch kitchen things?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You don't look like a home cooking person"

"Is that what everybody thinks about me?"


"Anyway...I'll be right back"

I saw him disappear through the hall and into the kitchen. What is he doing? Why is he here and suddenly acting so concerned and attentive?

Shortly, he came out with a bowl of soup. He really cooked something and was actually bringing it to me to the table.

"Why are you doing this?" I looked at him confused.

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