Chapter 26

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"Long hair also suits you" I caressed his hair, as we laid on the couch with the night view of the city, still naked, just a blanket on top.

"I used to have long hair around my early 20s, but I just felt like cutting it as soon as I had to step into business."

"You look good with both styles."

"Thanks" he chuckled. Silence filled the room, but it was comfortable.

"Once again.. I'm sorry" I apologized, "I'm always behaving like a pain in the ass"

"I'm exactly the same, so I'm sorry too."

We both chuckled now, before he looked at me.

"When I told you I was falling in love with you, I really meant it."

"Why all of a sudden?" I felt embarrassed.

"I just want to make it clear."

"O-okay okay, I believe you"

"And if you don't feel the same way I can wait-"

"You think I don't feel the same?"

"I.. don't know" he shrugged.

"I'mbliterally naked with you here.."

"Valid point."

"We should actually get dressed before someone comes in"

"I blocked the elevator doors"

"... is that even possible?"

"That feature was exclusively made for me"

"Why would you need-.. oh."

"Don't misunderstand. I just like privacy."

"Let's just not talk about that"

Another comfortable silence filled the room once again.

"I want to tell you something, DaEun" he sat up properly. He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it out of his face. I sat too, without letting go of his other hand.

"I know it's probably not the best time to talk about it, especially after the heat. You probably won't believe me, but I've been thinking a lot about everything that's going on."

"Everything that's going on?"

"With the King and all that."

What a time to bring Chan into conversation.


"I've told you before my position about it. But I know it's harder for you.. The thing is, I want to help you fix this; whatever is happening, I want to help too."

"We don't even know what's happening-"

"I know.. that's my point. I don't want you to face whatever it's coming alone, and I think I'm the only one who knows about it like you do."

"Maybe we don't have to do anything at all, I mean nothing has happened."

"That doesn't mean it's gonna remain that way.. and you haven't talked to me about it since you came back, remember?"

"Right..well, I can tell you about it, now."

"Go ahead" he extended his arm and pulled me towards him into a warm and comfortable embrace.

"So.. you said I was gone for 3 months, but crossing the line, time ran like normal. I was there around 12 hours, it was raining like hell, unlike here.

I tried to go back and walked several times through the Shinto, but nothing happened. Later that night, I saw a  mist, and ran towards it, but again, nothing happened."

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