Chapter 9.

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The red lights... I need to follow the red lights..

But.. what for?

..yeah... so I can see you again


My body shook as I woke up abruptly to the alarm. I was sweating, agitated.

I noticed it was still dark, as I usually wake up to a little sun light coming through the window; but not today. I took my phone and turned the alarm off, realizing it was only 4:30 am.

"Right... he wants me there at six now" I sighed.

I slowly stood up and grabbed a towel. As I made my way to the door, I quickly remembered the dream I was having.

Trying to make some memory, as I opened the door, my body once again flinched to Chan standing right in front of me.

"My god! What are you doing there at this hour?!"

"I.. couldn't sleep?"

"Is that a question?"

"I'm just confused"


"I was following the red lights"

Woah, that's weird.

"You.. What?"

"The red lig-"

"No, I know, I know. I... was dreaming about it, too"


"Yeah.. I was-"

"Chasing after them"


Chan remained silent for a few seconds, unsure of what a shared dream could mean. "We have to return to that place as soon as possible"

" I know, we just have to wait a few more days. Let's return you to your timeline before this gets weirder."
"Why are you leaving so early? There isn't much light outside, isn't it dangerous?" He asked. I guess he can be attentive some times.

"My stupid boss wants me earlier than before from now on, so I have to. Don't worry, it's not dangerous."

Lies, I'm actually terrified to go out when there's no one around and so dark.

Chan nodded and moved aside for me to pass.

"And please-"

"Don't burn your house yeah yeah"

It wasn't as bad as I thought, but I did get scared at some point, as soon as I noticed a weird guy looking at me in the subway station.Quickening my pace, I was able to get to work safely.

It's weird to see the building so empty, as I'm used to greet everybody on my way up, but oh well. I need this job.

Up the elevators and through the hallway, I made my way to Mr. Hwang's office. I pushed the heavy doors aside, and first thing I'm received with is my boss sleeping on his desk; literally on his desk.

I was completely unsure of what to do. Clearing my throat loudly to wake him up could lead to an awkward all day shift, so that's ruled out.

I walked slowly towards my own office. On my way, I noticed some blankets over a small table... but if you think I'll be sweetly covering him up, you're wrong. He can die of hypothermia if he wants, I'm not taking care of such person.
As soon as I sat down, I heard him wake up abruptly, knocking  some things off his desk. I picked through the glass door, barely catching a glimpse of him fixing his suit and hair.

Red Lights || HyunChan Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora