Chapter 1.

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•Sometimes I wonder...when will it be the last time I'll see this starry sky? •

Have you ever heard of being at the wrong place and time?

We all have probably, at least once; but not everybody lives it, and most certainly, not like I did.
I'm DaEun. I'm 27, living alone and with a pretty "nice" job. You probably don't want to hear my whole story so I'll save you from that, I'm just telling you the basics.

My life could honestly be -perfect-, or at least that one independent successful life we all want,

If it wasn't for my job.

Yes, I told you it was "nice", that's what the quotation marks are for. It means it could be nice, but of course, there is always something.

I've been working as a graphic designer for two years now, in this job. Surprisingly, I've lasted that long, even though I have some annoying teammates and some very strict managers. Luckily, I do have an -actual- boss over the managers, and he seems to praise my work constantly, but I have never seen him before.

That was untill last month.

My co-workers love to gossip. There's never a moment where they're not talking about others; it actually amazes me how they get to know absolutely everything about others' personal lives; but the one person they seem to truly know everything about, is our one and only boss.

Flashback- 1 month ago

"I heard he's very young"

"His father passed away two years ago, that's why he had to take over"

"He doesn't have a girlfriend as far as I know"

"He's probably gay"

"No! I heard people have heard moans from his office!"

"Seriously?! Oh my god he must sound so hot"

As usual, my teammates are gossiping instead of working. That's why they always deliver projects late, and that's why I always end up doing everything.

I know I shouldn't allow it, but I don't really mind spending an extra hour or two in here, I actually take it as the silence I've always wanted to have while working.

"Right, DaEun?" One of the girls elbowed me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, what?"

"Isn't the boss hot as hell?"

"Mr. jung?" I frown.

"No! Ew!" They all laughed. "Mr. Hwang!"

"Oh. I've never seen him before" I turn back to my monitor.

"What?!" She gasped. "His face is everywhere!"

"I don't really care, I'm sorry" I apologized.

"No way! Look at him!" One of the others shoved a phone over my face, but I didn't see it. I shrugged them off and kept working.

"You should be doing your jobs instead of getting paid for doing shit" I scoffed.

"Oh come on DaEun, don't get mad! We already finished fall's design!"

"Correction, I already finished it." I rolled my eyes back to them.

"And that's why you're the best!" She grabbed my shoulders as a lame attempt of massage.

"And that's also why you're delivering it to the boss right now!" She also claimed, now making me turn my full attention to her.

"No. I did everything, you guys deliver it."

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