Chapter 27

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"Make it quick"

"Sorry, I just time traveled and exposed myself and you want me to rush? Do you think I am here because I want to?"

"Don't get me wrong.. I just don't want-"

"DaEun to see me, I know."


"That is the reason why I came to you, specifically."

"I hear you"

"I think I know what is causing all this, and maybe that is the key to making everything stop."

"And by everything you mean-"

"Me. Or this time travel world-crossing situation."

"Alright, tell me."

"My mother, the queen, was traveling out of our lands. When she came back, she told me about a party and-"

"Get to the point"

"You are really impatient."


"The thing is, this one man offered her this stone" Chan pulled the carved stone out, getting Hyunjin's attention almost immediately.


"It's my family's crest, or at least that's what It was supposed to be."

"Your family...?"

"Yes. But this stone was not made for us, according to what the man said. He said something about things not being coincidence."

Hyunjin's confused face made Chan hurry a little more and try to get to the point faster. Explaining everything his mother had said would just make him waste time.

"Okay, listen carefuly" Chan said, "I had one of these, but instead of being jade and gold, it was only gold."

" "was"?"

"Was. I gave it to DaEun, and I need you to-"

"You need it back"

Hyunjin and Chan turned around startled, as DaEun walked to where they were.



Immediate thoughts came into both of their minds, as they felt like they had just seen each other recently; which in part, was true. The urge to hold each other was intensifying, but both knew nothing good could result of it.

It was a bit uncomfortable for Hyunjin, but he decided not to say anything at the moment.

Once again, and just like a few times before, they all felt like whatever the reason was for them to be together, it was right.

"We woke you up.. sorry"

"Actually, you didn't."

"No?" Chan asked

"That thing you had, both of you.. I had it too"

"What thing?" Hyunjin continued

"I thought I was dreaming, but I saw myself talking to both of you, in my dreams I guess, or maybe not, I don't know. I just woke up and stood up as if I knew I had to."

"At this point, I don't even find it weird." Hyunjin rested his body on the door frame.

"The sooner we do this, the better."

"How are you so sure this will work?"

"I am not certain, but this is the only thing I could think of." Chan sighed.

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