Chapter 7.

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I hate unnecessary attention. Why couldn't he just call to my desk or send someone else? If I'm getting fired, everybody will know beforehand; great. 

I didn't say a word. I placed the coffee down and stood up. Mr. Hwang didn't even look at me, he turned around before I could even move and started walking. The girls all eyed me wanting to know what the deal was, but I didn't even know it myself. 

The walk to his office was deadly awkward. We took the elevator, just him and me. His presence was very intimidating, strong. It wasn't the time to remember the incident, but it was all I could imagine. 

His facial expressions. 

The doors opened, he got out immediately, not even checking if I was still following him; he'd probably know without having to look back. 

Just like last time, the whole floor was almost empty; not a single soul could be heard. He opened his office's doors; of course, going in first. He didn't bother to hold one out of courtesy; lucky me I don't need his manners. 

"Take a sit" He commanded, cold tone. I sat down, he sat on his desk and rested his elbows over. He didn't look at me a single time. I felt absolutely intimidated, but I wasn't going to show it.

"Lee DaEun, right?" 

"Yes, sir" 

He's probably going to fire me. 

"Here, sign this" He handed me a paper, still not looking at me at all. I took it and read it quickly. 


"I'm sorry, sir, what is this?" 

"I'm promoting you." 

"What for?" 

"Weird. I thought people liked being promoted." He replied arrogantly. 

"Sorry, sir. I'm just curious to know why I'm getting promoted" I cleared my throat. 

"Doesn't matter. You're going to be my new assistant." 

"Oh, um, I really appreciate it, sir, but I wouldn't like to take mr. Yang's position." 

"That is nothing you should worry about. You start today"

What is he planning? 

"What about my current projects?" 

"Finish them. Your other tasks must be done by 5." 

I didn't understand his intentions, and the only reason I didn't say no, is because I need this job to pay for rent. I love my apartment and don't want to look somewhere else. Maybe he'll pay me more and I can go back to normal. 

"Yes sir. Thank you" I'm not really thankful, but I'll be polite. 

"You can go pick your stuff up" 


"You're moving up here, so hurry up, you have things to do." 
"DaEun! What did he say?" Of course they had to know, snitches.

"Nothing important" 

"Oh, come on. You're playing hard now? He clearly needed you for something! Are you fucking with him?" 

"What?! No! I don't even like him." 

"How can you not? He's so hot" 

"He's an asshole" 

She jumped and cover my mouth. "Shhhh! Don't say such words!" 

"Fine, fine, move!" I mumbled. 

"Did he fire you?!" one of them whispered, as I packed my few things in a box. 

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