Chapter 16.

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"Chan..?" My body went through a million sensations at the moment. I couldn't believe he was there, I even thought I was drunk.

"DaEun, I"

"Oh you're the ex? Hi hello. We're busy today, why don't you come tomorrow?" Mr Hwang stepped behind me and grabbed the door. I could feel how he forcefully was trying to close it, but I just couldn't close.

"Hyunjin, that's not-"

"Aren't you the arrogant boss?"

"Oh that's mr Hwang! I'm Hyunjin. Now, off you go~! He waved at Chan like telling him to go away. Chan didn't really like the idea, and being the person he is, he must have been thinking no peasant would tell him what to do.

"DaEun, is he bothering you? Why is he here?"

"DaEun, tell your ex we're in the middle of something-"

"I need you both to shut up"

"Excuse me?"

"Excuse me?" They replied at the same time. I could already feel mrs Moon scolding me, so I pulled Chan in and closed the door.

They stared into each other's souls with the exact same expression, almost like the other one was a mirror. They certainly don't like each other.

"Okay, Mr Hwa-"

"It's Hyunjin, DaEun"

"Hyunjin, what ever, please sit down... there" I pointed at the couch. "Chan, please sit here" I grabbed a chair and placed it across from Hyunjin.

"Why are you bringing him a chair like he's a king?" Hyunjin asked annoyed. Chan scoffed.

"Because I a-"

"Okaaaay let's clear some things!" I interrupted.

"So, Chan Uh.. what.. What are you doing here?" Chan knew he couldn't spill everything in front of mr Hwang, so he thought of some way.

"I had to talk to you" he replied, but he couldn't keep his angry eyes off of Hyunjin.

"F-from so afar..?" I double-sense asked. He turned to me and his eyes changed. "There's so much I need to tell you, really"

Something about that sentence melted my heart. I wanted to ask him a million questions, but not with Hyunjin around.

Our -moment- got interrupted by Hyunjin clapping.

"That's a wonderful story, maybe tomorrow?" He again signaled at the door.

"Hyunjin, what's wrong with you?" I mouthed at him. Like a spoiled child he rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.

"What's with your clothes dude? You come from a costume party or what?"

"I shall not reply to you at all, you annoy me."

"The fuck do you think you're talking to?" He gritted.

"DaEun, I don't plan to interrogate you or demand explanations, but I do wonder why are you sharing space with him? Didn't he treat you bad?"

Okay, awkward.

"Uh, I-"

"I didn't treat her bad."

"Well.. at first you kind of did" I shrugged apologetic.

"Okay, but I apologized"

"Yeah, that's the key point"

"Just an apology won't do enough to the days she spent crying of stress because of you"

"Chan!" I turned. Hyunjin erased his cocky look and now seemed kind of affected maybe?

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