Chapter 23

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"Thank you" I paid the driver and got off.

"Miss, your bags" he looked at the back seats and then back at me.

"Right.. Um, please drop them off at Dari complex, I'll pick them up. Here." I handed him more money, paying for the delivery service. "Is this enough?"

"Uh, yes" the driver accepted, a little confused though. I actually wanted him to wait for me, but knowing me, mr Hwang, and the moments when we argue, it'd probably take more than 5 minutes.

He drove away and I made my way inside the building. I noticed a few black-dressed people around the lobby, as well as other men I hadn't seen here before, but I ended up ignoring them and took the elevator.

Up to the sixth floor, as I stepped out, two more men were arguing with mr Yang right in front of mr Hwang's office.

"DaEun!" Mr Yang called me. "Please tell them they should-"

I walked past mr Yang and the two guys and went straight into his office. I honestly didn't care at the moment if he was being chased by police or the mafia.

"I told you to LEAVE- DaEun!" He stood up from his desk. "I told you not to come until you felt okay" he eased his tone.

"When were you going to tell me?"

"What are you-"

"Don't play stupid. You're living right across from me?!"

"Ahh listen, DaEun, I can explain it."

"Explain what? The fact that you made mrs Moon move out from where she's lived for so long?"

"Oh so now you like her?"

"It's not that. You pretended to leave when you-" it finally made sense. "You were the one making noises at 4 am, weren't you?"

"I was trying to leave early so you wouldn't see me."

"Banging your door isn't the best way to go undercover, mr Hwang."

"I'm just not used to those heavy doors. Anyway why are you angry?"

"Why did you move in?"

"No particular reason."



" WHY?"

"I'm not gonna talk if you start yelling-"

"What are your intentions?" I asked. I guess that's what haunted me the most. I didn't have an actual reason to be mad at him for moving in other than not telling me and pretending to live anywhere else; but it still wasn't reason enough to start a fight with him.

I'm just frustrated because I don't get it.

"My intentions?"

"Just answer"

"Intentions about..?"

"Mr Hwang!" I slammed my hands on his desk. He rolled his eyes at me.

"What do you want from me? You made me your secretary, then acted all friendly, then acted like a total asshole, then tried to make me stay that day, moved to my apartment complex and now you're sitting here acting uninterested? What is it?!"

"You're.. you're just making it all bigger than it seems"

"Move out."


"I want you to move out."

"No. Why should I?"

"Then why did you?!"

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