|Chapter 19|

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A month had passed and the mark Leanard had left on me had finally disappeared. Niklaus's wounds had also healed, and everything was going back to the way it was.

The only worry I had left was Elijah. No one still hadn't found him, With the help of Niklaus and Matthew they assisted me in searching for him, but it was as if he had vanished.

With a soft sigh, I went over to my desk, opening up my drawer so I could bring the letter I'd had written for him, but to my surprise, the letter wasn't there.

Did I move it somewhere else? No, I wouldn't have. Did someone else move it?

When I leaned over to check and see if it hadn't fallen over somewhere, someone knocked on the door. When the door opened it revealed one of the butlers, "lord Mika, you have a guest. Are you able to come to the throne room?"

"Uh, yes. Sure." I quickly checked my appearance before going with the butler to see my guest.


I never had a guest before, I wasn't sure who would want to see me. The butler opened the door to the throne room to let me in, and I found a surprising face waiting inside for me.

My breath caught in my throat as I looked at the person in front of me.


I felt like the world had stopped as we both looked at each other for who knows how long.

Elijah looked down for a second, before staggering up to me. It immediately made me think back to when he tried to kill me, but this time, it felt different. His bright green eyes were filled with tears, and he hugged me.

"I'm so sorry, Mika. When I saw you, my past came back to me, just a little. I looked for the letter after you said you had written one for me and then when Scarlett had died the fog that clouded my mind slowly cleared and I-I've done something horrible to you." Elijah cried, tears rolling down his cheek.

"It's really you." My eyes started to fill with tears as I hugged the slightly shorter male, hugging him just as tight. "Oh, how I've been waiting for this moment...I'm so glad you're here..." My tears fell as we stayed in a warm embrace.

Elijah was back, he was here and safe. I thought I would never see him again, and yet, here he was.

"I'm so sorry, forever anything I have done."

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're back.." I pulled away from our hug, smiling at him. A few tears still rolling down my cheek.

"Me too.."

After that, Me and Elijah sat down, chatting until dark. Now, the two best friends we're finally together again.


Elijah ended up placed in another room in the castle. Humans, who became vampires, could never reverse back. Niklaus knew that the two of us had a special connection, but he still didn't want to risk it.

"I wish there was a way to make Elijah human again.," I mumble."There's research being done on it, but it still has ways to go," Niklaus speaks up, setting his book down on the sofa beside him, his ruby eyes on me.

"And you're involved in it?"

"I am."

"I figure it would be essential in clearing humans or their resentment. Speaking of which, I have a meeting with the human slated for next month."

"You're going to talk about the new contract, aren't you?"

"I am."

A small smile crawled on my face as I looked at Niklaus. He was making everything move forward, slowly but surely, I know he will be able to change this world into one where we are all together, as one.

"I want to move things forward while the purebloods are weak." He states, leaning back against his sofa. "You sound as if you expect them to come back, I mean since Leanard is dead doesn't that mean they're just gonna get weaker?"

"We don't even know how Leanard came back in the first place. This is why we can't say for sure if he is truly gone, and the pureblood will keep hanging on to that hope." He had a point, since Leanard had fallen everyone investigated and theorized how Leonard had come back.

"Like a hero destined to return, huh? Now, I understand why you want to hurry negotiations along with my village, and speaking of which, how about I work for you? Don't you think I'll be the perfect bridge between humans and vampires alike?" I asked, hopefully.

"...You're going to stay here?" He asked, surprised.

"I am."

"I can't have that. You just being next to me is enough to put you in danger."

"I don't care, I don't want any more tragedies to happen. For the first time in forever, I found myself a purpose that I want to fulfill myself. So, please Nik. Let me stay here." I pleaded, I had grown fond of this place. I wouldn't leave the people I've grown close to, nor Niklaus...

"I've told you this before, I'm addicted to you, I depend on you."

I sigh. "My blood, at least."

"No, you, Mika." My heart raced at his confession and the room grew quiet.

I was silent for a second before saying, "Then prove it."

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