|Chapter 18|

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Leanard Alcatraz the previous Blood King had fallen again and had been slain by the High Selene.

That fact spread quickly of course. Normally, an interruption of a duel was impossible to forgive, however, the culprit here was a lowly livestock.

Public opinion of Leanard went crashing down, and society began to reevaluate the new young King, the nobles included. Of course, the fanatical pureblood seemed to think that one day Leanard would return, However, when the body of the pureblood leader Scarlett Rose, was found in an underground tomb, the movement's resolve weakened.

Although anyone hasn't found out we're Rose's servants, Elijah has ended up.


My head fell into a daze, and I found myself grabbing his black hair as white overcame my vision. "Let me know if it still hurts."

"Mm!" No matter how many times he sucked my blood, I could never get used to it. The erotic storm always nearly took my mind away. It took all I had to control my mind. Worrying about how I felt, Niklaus sucked my blood little by little.

The supply of blood made his wounds heal steadily, albeit slowly.

"I've heard it was hard for vampires to hold themselves back while sucking blood," I speak.

"You heard that from Matthew?" Niklaus asks, pulling away for a moment. "Maybe I did, My source told me that you are probably been holding yourself back a lot."

"Tch, running his mouth again," Niklaus mumbled.

"You always tell me not to hold back, so you shouldn't either."

"Now that's a thoughtless statement. How many times do you need me to tell you that a thirsty frenzied vampire will kill you."

"How about you stop spoiling me, then? This is what I'm here for." Niklaus let out a strained smile, then sank his fangs into me again.

A wave of pleasure came crashing down on me. I couldn't help but feel dizzy. He gently stroked me, as he traced my outline. The sheer gentleness of it lit an impatient fire in my chest, making me squirm.

But he hasn't kissed me.

Since he kissed me after I killed Leanard,
Niklaus had said that he had kissed me for foreplay.

Is that the only reason why he had kissed me then, too?

I don't want to get the wrong idea but...

"Am I like fine wine to you?" I made sure my tone was light, to keep the meaning hidden.

Niklaus pulled his hands away from my neck and gently wrapped them around my waist, embracing me. "I'm sure I've said at least three times that I had no intention to treat you like a meal."

I know that.

You showed that through your words, and also your actions, but I want to know how you view me. "There's no competition, your blood cannot be matched. I can't live without you, Mika."

"There you go, exaggerating again."

"I'm serious, I think I've become addicted to you, Mika," Niklaus confessed.

To my blood, you mean.

I was disappointed in my own disappointment.

What was I hoping for, anyway?

Niklaus's answer made no sense.

It's not like I felt what you call "love" for Niklaus, anyways. My feelings weren't so beautiful. He treated me like a human, and I was depending on him like he was on me. He was the only person who treated me like a human. We benefited from each other, he needed my blood, and I needed a place to belong. There's no point in digging any deeper than that...

"Then, here's my next question. Do you only suck blood from the neck?" I asked.

"That's a pretty sudden question," He mumbled but went on to answer my question. "Well, tradition holds that the neck is the best, but there's no issue in going elsewhere I can't imagine you want to deal with bite marks being everywhere."

"Really? Well, I think I would prefer a bite mark where no one could see it." I suggest.

"Oh?... Say, for example, your leg?" I shrugged. "I wouldn't mind."

"Make sure you don't regret it." Niklaus grinned confidently before taking off my pants. It happened so suddenly that it made me want to quickly stop him, but I held it in. "Regretting your decision already?" Challengingly squaring his eyes on me, as he slid his large hand onto my thigh.

A sweet numbness took over my body. "This isn't something to regret, but...I was surprised and disappointed at how lacking in delicacy you are."

"Disappointed? You're the one who asked me to do this. You did this on purpose, didn't you? You're pretty good at spurring me along." Niklaus replies, touching my inner thigh. My cheeks flared up due to his touch. "Oh, I'm not trying to this time but...Can't you go any lower? Like below the knee or.."

"The softer skin will be easier to bite into, and no matter what you wear, no one will see this spot," Niklaus explained.

"Well...Theoretically, yeah."

"I really like seeing you go red like that." I thought it wasn't showing on my face, but perhaps I was blushing red. Trying to regain my composure, I turned my eyes away from him and spoke up. "How can you speak such words so easily? You really are a mean one."

"Looks like it, I must have quite the mean streak. I do think that glare of yours is exquisite.." His red eyes sparkled.

"Let me rephrase that, you got some twisted taste," I replied back. "How very perceptive of you." A quick smile crossed his face before he gently kissed my inner thigh before carefully sinking his fangs.

A pleasure incomparable to a bite on my neck flowed through my body. My very core shuddered at the feeling. My sense of reason disappeared at a fearsome speed, I quickly balled my fists tight, as if holding on to reins. It was hard enough to keep myself under control of myself as is, but gently started to tease me.

His hand went over my underwear, touching me through my underwear. I let out a sweet moan from the depths of my throat, finding myself on the brink of losing myself.

"Can't take it anymore?" He asked me with concern in his eyes.

I shook my head. "..That's not it. I want us to.." I want us to melt into each other even more, but there's just no way I could say that.

"If you want me to stop, then threaten me with that silver knife of yours." I gave him a playful glare. "My, thanks for the fantastic idea..." After a troubled smile, Niklaus sank his fangs in, sucking the blood from my inner thigh once more.

When the pleasure hit my head, I couldn't hold back the strings of lewd noises. "Ah-ah!" Niklaus let out a sweet sigh as if he had reached his limit. His heated eyes quivered between calm reason and erotic frenzy, forming a beautiful sight.

I want to see him more aroused...Though thinking that, I'm probably the mean one.

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