|Chapter 17|

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When I woke up, I found myself in a familiar place. As I looked around I found myself in my old room back at my village. I got up and threw the blankets off of me as I went to stand I found myself feeling lighter...It had been a long time since I felt this good.

Wasn't I at the Gardens Castle? What's going on? I walked over to a nearby mirror to see that I was looking a lot less pale. The bite marks on my neck had been taken care of with cotton cloth. What was going on?

I sensed someone behind the door. They didn't seem to have manners as the door flew open without so much as a knock. "Mika, what is the meaning of this?!" The councilmen of the town burst into the room, wearing wrathful scowls.

"There was a report from a black-haired, red-eyed vampire who said to bring you to a doctor since you were in critical condition." Another council member said, coming into the room. That must have been Niklaus, did he take from his time just to send me back here..?

"How many days do you think have passed since we have sent you to the Garden? What of the assassination?!" The first councilman hollered.

I looked away, "It ended up a failure.."

"Failure! What...What are we supposed to do now!"

"No word of the assassination hasn't gotten out yet, which means!"I blocked out the councilmen as they began to talk among themselves, bickering back and forth.

It's always like this.

They don't care at all about my condition.

Niklaus cared more for my health than any of these people...I want to see him again. Something slow and wet rolled down my cheek, causing me to touch my cheek and that's when I realized I was crying. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand, then I noticed something glinting on my desk.

I squinted to notice it was my silver knife.

He...He even gave me my knife back...

Niklaus always liked this. He never repudiated my ideas and he didn't even deny my vengeance, even though I was trying to kill him...

What a foolish, gentle Blood King.

The councilmen were still talking among themselves, I glanced at them with glazed-over eyes and left the room to go outside.


This residence was one of the villages that was home to humanity. The Garden of Blood, residence for vampires, and the bridge between the two: The Pact Gate.

I think this was my most outrageous plan yet, but if I wanted to get back to the castle then this was the way.

Hiding behind trees in a blind spot from the gate, I let the horse I rode out on, head on back to town.

The gate was only supposed to open when sacrifices were carried through, but if I tell them I'm the Selene they should let me in, right?

I gathered my resolve and started walking up towards the shadow knight that guarded the gates, but another ran up before me, looking panicked.

"What! That can't be true! Then, what of King Niklaus?" The shadow knight asks.


Did something happen to Niklaus?

I moved quickly toward the gates until I was faced in front of the knight. "I'm sorry to interrupt...I'm The Selene. I fell ill and had to return to my village to recover but I feel better now. Could you take me to Niklaus?" I told the two Knights, The two looked at each other before one of them said, "Well...Actually, King Leanard has risen from the dead. An unthinkable thing, yes, but that aura is unmistakably his."

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