| Chapter 6 |

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He watched as his breathing became slow and steady, as the human before him rested without worry, a peaceful and innocent expression on his beautiful features. The vampire didn't make a sound as he closed his book up and placed it on the nearby side table. He stood up from the sofa and soundlessly made his way towards the bed, where sleeping beauty slept.

He took a seat on the bed, but the human did not stir. The king's brows frowned for just a moment before he gently brushed his thumb against Mika's cheek, getting no reaction. He sat there admiring sleeping beauty's features, eyes skimming over the freckles that were scattered along his cheeks and nose, something small and discreet for those who weren't truly looking. Full rosy lips that were ready to spew tempting remarks and his skin was smooth and warm, holding some much life and warmness. 
He was sleeping beauty, indeed. No one could deny that fact, not even Niklaus.

His cold finger brushed against Mika's warm skin, stopping around his neck before keeping them there for a moment, counting and listening. He was glad, his temperature and pulse were fine, which threw the vampire into a whirlpool of relief and self-loathing.

It wasn't a curse that kept this beauty asleep, just exhaustion. 

He slowly pulled his hand away to rest against the bed, as he sighed heavily looking at Mika's sleeping expression once more as he uttered the words, "Sleep well, Mika."


Within Niklaus's dark chamber, I couldn't find him when I woke up, he was nowhere to be seen. After getting out of bed, I found myself looking into a mirror where I discovered yet another cloth or seal on my neck. He must have changed it when I was sleeping....I tilted my neck to the side, looking at the little seal before a knock on the door caused me to jump.

Fixing my gown a bit before I opened the door, I found the butler waiting for me. From there he escorted me to my room, I figured he would take me down to the dining room next to have breakfast but once I came back from the bathroom breakfast was there and ready on a tray.

It didn't take me long to finish it, as I quickly filled my belly and made the plate clean again. Not a second later, a servant came in to clear out my plate.

It was frightening how efficient the helpers were but it showed how much control Niklaus had over the castle. He was a pureblood vampire after all, a terror of the night...Thinking about that, I wonder if he's asleep right now?

A knock on the door tore me away from my thoughts. "Come in." The door opened, revealing Matthew at the door grinning from ear to ear. "Good morning, Mika. I came to grab you, I was thinking so fresh air out of the palace would do you some good, don't you agree?" This is a perfect opportunity to gather some information! If the dice rolls in my favor, I can even try pressing Matthew for information, too.

"I wouldn't mind the fresh air but, why invite me of all people? Is there a reason for needing my company?" I was curious to know why he wanted to invite me out. I could say he's just inviting me to be nice but I haven't known him for long to say for sure...Could it be that he has his own secret agenda?

"You're a sharp one, ay." He remarks, continuing to give me a smile. "Well, we don't have a lot of human food here, so I was thinking we could go out on a run to get some." He says, "We generally send the servants out to get it but, since you've arrived, Mika, we can grab a few things you like as well." Matthew explains.

I suppose making me eat high-quality food would make my blood taste better...Wait didn't we say my name again? I noticed he said it earlier..."Oh, so you know my name? I don't remember giving it."

"Niklaus told me." I haven't told my name to Niklaus either, he must have heard it when the driver called my name that night.

"To be honest, Niklaus is the one that thought up the idea to take you out to see the town. Unfortunately, pureblooded vampires like Nik don't do terribly well in sunlight. So, that's why I'm escorting you." Right, that makes sense since Matthew's a Dhampir the sunlight won't bother him.

"Thank you for the explanation, that makes sense. I'll happily join you." Matthew's bright blue eyes seemed to gleam brightly at my answer. "That's what I want to hear!" Another grin is placed on his lips as he approaches me, digging in his coat pocket. "Let's do this, then. Just in case." Matthew pulls out a glass bottle from his pocket, before I could ask what it was he sprayed it on me.

I was prepared to get slapped with the overwhelming smell of perfume but it never came, it had no scent. "What did you put on me?" I ask sniffing at my clothes. "This helps mask the scent of your blood. We don't want to get other vampires excited now, do we?" He says, pressing it on me again, for good measure before putting it away in his pocket. "It'll wear off over time, but just make sure you're not getting close to anyone."

"Thanks." Matthew showed off another bright smile, reminding me of a large golden retriever getting praised.

"No problem."


The town was livelier than I expected. It may have been a vampire town but it didn't look any different than a human one. It did, however, have plenty of people wearing thick hoods, It must have been because they were vampires. "Buy whatever you want! It's on Niklaus."

Since it's on Niklaus then..."I'll buy what I like then."

"That's the spirit!" He chuckled as we both walked through the town, stopping by different stalls, and sellers. The town had a variety of options to choose from when it came to food, and not only really food either as there were many other things to buy within the market. After going through a few shops, and buying what I wanted Matthew had stepped away from me for a second to purchase an item from another stall as I waited in the main road for him.

Human and vampire towns were quite alike, there wasn't much of a difference between the two as I looked at different things and people, comparing everything. I was just glancing around the market when I made eye contact with someone. I froze for a second as the person stared at me, unmovingly.

He looked to be around the same height as me, but besides that and his piercing green eyes I couldn't quite make up his features, but something about the other felt all too familiar...

The stranger gave me one last glance before he shifted into an alleyway, and before I could think I followed after him. "Mika? Mika, where are you!" I could hear Matthew's worried voice as I sprinted away, but I didn't turn back as I tried to follow that guy's trail, going deeper into the alley.

I kept chase, as I followed the guy's trail until I suddenly came to a dead end. Where could he have gone? I swear he went through this way. I turned around and ran down the alleyway more, but all I could find was trash and a few stray cats. He couldn't have just disappeared...

I searched long and hard, but there wasn't a trace of him anywhere. I eventually gave up. It would be dangerous to stay out here any longer, besides Matthew must be looking everywhere for me. The thought made me feel a bit bad, picturing the other looking around with a worried expression.

"Hey boy, you're quite a fine catch...How about we go to a bar?" I heard a clingy voice behind me, Immediately getting a bad feeling about this. I slowly turned around, finding two thuggish looking vampires, looking at me with unsettling smiles. I said nothing to them as I tried to run out of the alleyway but before I could get away a vampire grabbed my arm, holding it tight.

"What a lovely scent...What's a human doing out here by themselves, hm?" The vampire utters lowly, getting closer to my neck as something sinister fills his eyes, causing me to struggle even more.

I need to get out of here. I struggled against his hold before I slammed my foot down onto the vampires as hard before swinging my arm back hitting them in the gut. When his grip loosened, I used that chance to run.

A cheap little attack like that would only buy me some much time...I needed to find Matthew and get the hell out of here. I started to make my escape when someone grabbed my arm pulling me into their chest. "Let go of me!" I yelled, but when I turned to look at my captor it was none other than Niklaus.

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