|Chapter 11|

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The maid that came to clean my tableware after breakfast, gave me a graceful smile."The Bloody Assembly begins early this morning. I believe that everyone should have finished their breakfast by now."

"Will Matthew be attending the Blood Assembly?" I asked, curious.

"Oh lord Matthew? He is not present today. The purebloods can be overly harsh towards lord Matthew from time to time. In any case, please don't hesitate to ring the bell if you need anything." With a soft smile and graceful bow, she slipped out of the room with light footsteps.

I wonder if Elijah is here...

I moved from where I sat towards the window, curious about what was outside, when I noticed my reflection. I had two seals on me, on either side of my neck. I pulled one off to see the latest bite mark Niklaus had left on me. It had already started to fade away. I could probably take off the other one.

When I took off the other seal, it looked redder...What was wrong? I better get some medicine for this at lunch. I think my immune system is weakening...Last night, I dreamed of that chilling sensation again. The weightless mass would settle on my chest. Then, I would feel something on my neck like someone was putting ice on it. I can probably chalk these nightmares into exhaustion. I can't go out so I'll stay put for today, might as well take it easy.


I stumbled upon a photo of the Rose family, in a book titled "Vampire Nobility." That's the family Elijah was currently working for. I flipped through the pages, trying to look for information on Scarlett.

It didn't take long.

I found a picture of a beautiful woman leaning back on a chair who looked like she could capacitive anyone she locked eyes with. So, this is Scarlett...I could see why she was named such because her hair and eyes were a beautiful Scarlett.

A knock on the door broke my concentration, as a butler walked in. "Forgive me for my intrusion, but I have brought herbal tea." He probably has been running around for the nobles, it's probably tiring. "Oh, you didn't have to, thank you. You can leave it right there."

"As you wish." When the butler left the room, I took the cup holding it in my hands. Luckily, I had just started to get thirsty. The moment I moved to drink it, however, I noticed there was a different scent mixed in with it.

The scent of Crimson Weed.

Crimson Weed is a very poisonous plant. So poisonous that it would lead to death if not treated immediately, Symptoms included redding of the eyes and vomiting of blood. Studying up on my poisons for assassinations really paid off.

The butler just tried to kill me...Under whose orders?

Normally I would say that it was Niklaus, but my mind immediately told me, it wasn't him.

Suddenly, I heard a giggle from an unfamiliar woman's voice. A chill ran down my spine, with the giggle alone. Black mist occupied the edge of my vision. Every hair on my body stood on edge. Something was here and they wanted to kill me, no matter what. I leaped back when I heard something slice the air. Pain shot through my neck, and my eyes winced. That was a shockwave and a sharp one at that.

"It seems you knew of the poison...It is a shame I won't be able to see you floppy on the ground." She sighs, "Oh well, there are other ways to dispose of you."The black mist took the form of a woman, and I gasped when I recognized her. "I see you have impressive brains and brawn. You are quite an interesting one, High Selene."

Scarlett? What is she doing here?

I quickly looked around to find something to defend myself with but suddenly I felt dizzy all of a sudden. A spell of low blood pressure?... It feels like Niklaus is sucking my blood.

"You're the only Selene in the world, no sacrifice could match your blood. That's why if you were to disappear, that false King would find himself out of a method of restoration. Ahh, but how sweet your scent is! I wish not to waste time, or I could devour you right now..." Scarlett giggled and just like that she grabbed me and bit my neck.

The moment she sucked my blood, I wasn't faced with the same pleasure I'm used to. No. Instead, overwhelming pain assaulted my mind. I yelled in agony as the feeling became worse, waves of discomfort crashed into me. I bit my lip and balled my fists until they turned white.

I need to do something quick! Think Mika! Think!

I could use my knife! If I used it though I wouldn't be able to assassinate Niklaus but the Vampire Nobility happened to be nearby. I took the heavy book and slammed it onto her head. The moment her fangs came out of my neck, I dashed out of the room.


I need to be careful, there are a lot more vampires here. It's dangerous for me to be running around bleeding like this...

I could head outside...

I stepped into a random room which luckily no one was in. I walked over to the window and opened it, then crawled out the window onto the roof. I could see shadows on the ground below.

Vampires, no doubt.

How am I supposed to escape from here? I could feel my blood still flowing down my neck getting on to my shirt. I lost so much blood I can't think straight...

Then, I heard footsteps from behind.

I quickly turned around, putting my hands up ready to defend myself but it wasn't who I expected...

" Elijah..?" My eyes couldn't help but water, and my arms slowly went down.

"Is that really you Elijah? I can't believe you're alright! I missed you so much! It's me, Mika, do you remember me? I wrote a letter for you if I ever saw you again. I should have kept it on me instead of leaving it on that desk." I spouted out, I was so glad he was here and yet I didn't get the same reaction from him. Instead, Elijah kept quiet as he stared at me, his eyes looking empty.

"Elijah...What's wrong?" Elijah staggered towards me, his eyes still looking empty and then I saw it, something in between his teeth. Something only vampires would have.

They did it, they had turned him.

He opened his mouth wide and his arms followed suit as if to embrace me. I slowly started to step backward to try and avoid him.

"Elijah snap out of it, it's me Mika!" He didn't say anything, his eyes still empty as before. I continued to step backwards to keep away from him, but right as I stepped back I slipped and fell backwards.

I reached out for the railing on the roof but I couldn't reach it, I felt myself slowly falling and getting closer to the ground below. I reached out for anything that could save my life.

Time felt slower as I fell, as I got closer to my death. As the ground got closer and I got ready for impact, black mist engulfed me and stopped me in midair.

When I saw the mist had taken human form, relief overwhelmed my heart.

"Not the best place to practice your trapeze act is it?" Niklaus gives a small little smile, holding me close.

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