Ghost Chase Part 14

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"Ask him about the swimming pool," Addie said.

"I heard there's a swimming pool in the basement," I said.

"There is. It's been closed off for years, but I have the key." Bill jingled the keys on his belt.

"Can you take us to the pool room?" I asked.

He scratched his head. "They don't want people going in there who might get hurt, but you're professionals." He turned to Robert. "You are going to have to get permission to use this footage."

"Don't you worry. If I can't get permission, none of this will be on the show, but if that is the case I will find another hunt to bring you on. You'll get your time to shine."

"Why do you want to go in there? It's been abandoned for years, but as far as I know, it's just creepy, not haunted."

"You'd be surprised where you can find ghosts," I said.

"Wait a minute, you're Geneveive Adair, the necromancer. I saw you on TV."

I feared more people were going to be saying "I saw you on Netflix" in the near future. Unless Robert's show tanked and got canceled very quickly. I sighed.

"Yeah that's me. The reason we've come here before getting permission is we are on a scavenger hunt or a ghost. A woman named Adelaide Bolton left a clue to a kind of treasure somewhere in this area. Apparently we need to get into the pool room to find it. This is her great great granddaughter, Beth."

Bill smiled wide and led us into what looked like a utility closet. It contained the junk of decades, including what turned out to be a model used to represent a dead body in some production, which scared me with its realistic look in the dark. Bill laughed and turned on the light.

"Don't worry, old Tom won't hurt you. The door to the pool is through here," he said with a laugh. "You need to be careful in this place. Do you know where the ghost hid what you're looking for? When was it hidden? There haven't been many people down here since the 70s, but at times homeless people have managed to use it as a shelter."

"It was hidden back in 1888, when they dug ground for the original Denny Hotel," Beth said. "I am afraid that it might be impossible to find. A lot has happened to this land since that time."

Addie just smiled. We followed Bill into the pool room. It was a fair sized pool with tiles falling off in places. The pillars that held up the floor above went down into the pool. There were murals on the walls, but it was hard to tell what they depicted. They looked vaguely Egyptian. Addie floated down into the pool itself and stood over a tile that was loose. I followed with Beth close behind. To my surprise, there was earth under this tile.

"I don't suppose you have a small shovel we could use?" Beth asked Bill.

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