Ghost Chase Part 7

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He nodded and led me to a small break room for the staff. "You're not happy with my inserting myself in your investigation."

"That's the truth, but for one thing, I don't call it an investigation," I said.

"Then what do you call it?"

"Helping a ghost move on. No one's spirit should have to linger here with unfinished business."

"That's just what I want people to learn about. Someone with your power has a responsibility to inform the public. I know that necromancers have been persecuted in the past, but this is why you should be open and tell people the truth about what you do. My special will give people a chance to know what you are doing to help the dead."

"And also so you can make a ton of money."

He chuckled. "I've made ghost hunting my career, and I will admit to enjoying the monetary aspect of being a well-known figure in the community, but I've always been fascinated by ghosts. When I was a little kid, my grandfather told me stories about ghosts he'd seen. I don't know if he was telling the truth, or just having fun, but I always suspected he had some talent at seeing ghosts. I don't have any, I've never seen a ghost or even heard an EVP. I thought held a real voice, but that doesn't stop me from doing my job."

He sounded sincere, but I couldn't just give in. "I don't understand why ghost hunters feel this need to search the way you do. We know ghosts exist. Why not just find a necromancer who will help you meet one?"

"For one thing, you're the first real necromancer I've met in person. Most of them refuse to talk to me. For another, I'm a tech nerd. Necromancy is seen as more of an art than a science." He paused. "I heard that people with your power tend to short out electronic devices."

"There is some truth to that. I never wear a watch and I carry my cell in a protective case," I said.

"My quest is to contact the spirit world using technology. If you really don't want to be part of my show, I will ask you to let me come with you without any cameras to find the gun, but I really think both of us will benefit if you agree to be part of it. You were on TV before and nothing bad happened, did it?"

"Aside from everyone I meet saying 'I saw you on RV, I suppose not, but that was a local TV show, you're talking about being on Netflix."

Matthes chuckled again. "That's not as big deal these days as it used to be. What do you say? Can we collaborate on this?"

I glanced at Addie, who'd been listening avidly, she nodded. "All right, but I need you to promise, you'll turn off the cameras if I ask, at any time."

We shook hands on it.

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