Chapter 28 - Child-like Dream

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Chapter 28

Child-like Dream

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"What do you say?" Alan held a glittery cupcake in front of you, with his face covered with black frosting and glitter. "Pretty right?"

"Um-" You looked down at the sparkling cupcake a little perplexedly before giving it a small smile. "Yeah, I like it."

He beamed at you and returned to making more cupcakes. He made the same design, only this time with some different colours. He made some white, some orange, then some blue, and lastly some pink. He sprinkled some glitter on it and handed it back to you so you'd see.

"What about those ones?"

"I like them." You took a cupcake out of his hands before taking a bit out of it. "It tastes good too."

"Hey! I said we needed to wait!" He glared at you before putting down the cupcakes. "Now I need to make another pink one."

"It's not a big deal, Alan," you chuckled before taking a napkin and wiping some frosting off his face. "We already have plenty of other colours."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

He stood still as you wiped his face off. Like a quiet kid, but it didn't last long because right when you finished, he took out his light and crossed out the last activity for you to do.

"Let's do this now!" He pushed the list towards you. It was so close that you needed to take a step back just so you could read it.

"Pillow fight?" You asked him confusedly, "Those are for kids, Alan."

"Not your normal pillow fight," he specified, showing you the words right next to its name: "It's Fort pillow fighting."

You looked at the list puzzledly, then back at him, "And it means?"

"It means that this is for adults," he retorted with a proud smile. "Kids cannot build forts, can they?"

"They can--"

"They can't! Absolutely!" He cheered before rolling the list back up. "So now we have to build a fort."

"Out of what?"

"Of pillows, of course!"

You followed him to the living room, where he once again pulled out tonnes of pillows from his bags so you'd be able to build whatever fort he was talking about.

He constructed his fort in a matter of seconds, without it falling even once. It looked like a really small cabin made for children. It had a first floor and a second floor.

"How is that even possible?" You asked, touching the pillow to see if it was stable, and it was.

"Magic!" he smiled proudly, making a rainbow with his hands. "It's cool, right? It's even cooler inside."

He pulled you inside the fort, which was full of plushies and fairy lights, and led you to the second floor, which even had a freaking staircase.

"Here you have a little balcony." He motioned to his right, then to his left. "And here is where we'll sleep tonight."

You looked to your left and were left speechless by how big this whole fort was. The place he was motioning to had two pillow beds already made and several plushies on them. It was lit with some hanging fairy lights and some stars that were glued on the pillow roof.

"How does anybody even make anything this big?" You looked around dumbfoundedly. "That's freaking awesome!"

You crawled to the bed and laid on one of the pillow beds. You didn't know something like that would be so much fun. Even less when it was something as childish as building a pillow fort.

Alan joined you on the bed and laid beside you, looking up at the stars that were stuck to the pillows.

"That's awesome," You repeated again, but this time more softly, "Thank you for today; I'll never forget it."

"I really hope you don't," he replied, his eyes still locked on the sparkling stars. "I hope you feel happy every day."

Though his eyes were still glued to the small stars, it felt like he was looking right at you. His words were soft and warm, just like freshly baked cake. It was welcoming and didn't feel like it had any hidden meaning to it.

"Do you normally say that to anybody you see crying?" You joked, not knowing what else to say.

"No, only you."

There they were again, those soft words that you liked so much. It reminded you so much of Allan. Of how gentle and sweet he'd be and how his words-no matter how he'd place them-would always sound warm and inviting.

You didn't say anything else to him, and before you knew it, you were asleep right next to each other. It was the first time since you last remembered that you actually went to sleep. You didn't wake up hastily in the night or have trouble with how uncomfortable it was. You simply fell asleep.

You woke up the next day to the smell of pancakes hitting your nose. To say the least, you more or less jumped out of the fort to eat. Alan's food was something you could eat every day and never get sick of it.

"Well, someone's hungry," he chuckled, putting a plate down on the counter. "Here, come and have some."

You didn't need him to tell you twice for you to quickly sit down at the counter with him. He was already all dressed up, and gone were his green-shreked-like pajamas.

"You're going somewhere?" You asked him softly as you took a sip of the tea that Alan had put next to you.

"No, I just woke up early," he said simply, putting a whole pancake into his mouth. Seriously, this boy kept surprising you every day.

After breakfast, Alan suggested that you two go roller skating, something that you had never done before, and said that he'd help you learn the basics.

You thought about it for a few minutes but still accepted his offer. It had been so long since you'd last gone out of the house alone. You really needed that.

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now