Chapter 8 - Pink, Pink & Pink

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Chapter 8

Pink, Pink & Pink

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"Don't you think this is too" You asked turning to Barbie who was putting all of the fruits together in a blender.

"Of course not, this is actually not enough pink," she pointed at the pink-pink smoothie that sat in front of her.

You did ask her how she turned all of the fruits into a pink-pink smoothie, but she just responded by saying 'Use your imagination.', which was actually kind of true seeing as you were in Barbieland.

"Here have some," Barbie said, giving you a cup of the smoothie, she just made as she helped Ken blending the other fruits.

You were kind of perplexed on tasting it, but when you saw Barbie eating a spoonful of it without worries, you assumed you would be fine.

And you were totally wrong again.

It tasted like glitter.

Like some glittery liquid that just buzzed until it reached your stomach. It felt like you swallowed sand, like some really dry and powdery sand. To put it simply, it was undrinkable.

"I can't drink this sorry," You said as you pushed the drink back to Barbie, trying hard not to make it seem like it was bad-which it technically was.

"Why? Don't you like it?" She asked you, looking up at you with some puppy eyes.

"I do like it, but I'm not really a big fan of smoothies," You lied through your teeth as you looked back at her with a small apologetic smile.

"It's fine," she said quickly before stopping Ken with the smoothies, "Let's do something else then."

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You were now all sat in the living room with matching pink pj's that Barbie had more or less forced you to wear, as you played board games together.

"You're so bad at this," she laughed as she watched you lose your third round, "You keep losing everytime."

"That's just because you keep inventing new rules," You said annoyingly as you looked up at her.

"Because that's literally the rule of the game Raquelle," Barbie said amusedly as she sat up and closed the board game, "It's fine, I'll let you win another time." She said before standing up and putting the game back into its bag, "What do you say about watching a movie?"

"Sounds good," You said simply as you stood up from the ground and moved to the couch, turning in the T.V.

Ken did the same and as he sat on the seat next to you waiting for Barbie.

"What movie do you want to watch?" You asked turning to the both of them.

"Whatever you want," Ken said with a yawn as he sat sleepily, looking at the T.V screen.

"You don't look like you'll be able to last the full movie," You said amusedly as watched him drifting on and off sleep.

"I'll be fine..." He said as he put his head over your shoulder, "I'll just sleep a bit, wake me up when you find a movie."

Needless to say, you stopped functioning the moment he put his head over your shoulder. Not because you had fallen for him, no, but more because you were scared of what Barbie would say when she came back to her boyfriend sleeping on your shoulder. It honestly terrified you.

"Ken- I don't think you should-"

"He fell asleep?" Barbie asked, entering the living room with some popcorn as she sat down on the seat to your right.

"Right...yeah...he fell asleep..." You trailed nervously as you sat straight, like a stick, unable to move a single bit as you were too scared of the repercussion.

"I knew this would happen," Barbie chuckled as popped some popcorn in her mouth, "He always does this when we do movie nights,"

"Haha...right...he always does this..." You said awkwardly as you put on a comedy movie trying to change this awkward atmosphere.

You honestly didn't know what to do. Did that mean him sleeping on your shoulder was okay? Or did she mean he always does this but only to her? Does this mean that you could move and tell Ken to wake up or would she get angry if you'd tell her boyfriend to move?

Your thoughts was racing miles an hour, as Barbie casually watched the movie silently as she ate her popcorn, doing as if her boyfriend wasn't just sleeping on some random girl's shoulder.

The movie ended one hour later. One freaking hour later. And yet, you were still in that same exact position you were in since the start of the movie, as Ken was still, sleeping on your shoulder.

"That was a great movie," Barbie amusedly as she put down her bowl of popcorn, "It was funny."

"Haha, was," You said awkwardly as you looked back at her, not wanting to tell her that you didn't remember a single scene of that movie.

"Looks like someone was tired," she looked back at Ken who was sleeping soundlessly.

"Oh- um sorry he just fell asleep here- actually no, erase that I'll just move-"

"It's fine, don't worry," she chuckled as she saw your nervous state, "He always sleeps like that during movie nights it's fine."

She said simply before she going to the kitchen and coming back with a pink sleeping bag and opening it next to you.

"We should go to sleep now, it is late," she said as she laid inside of her sleeping bag, "Don't worry about him, you can just sleep here, he'll be fine." She gave you a small goodnight before falling asleep.

"Right...this is totally normal...totally..." You mumbled under your breath as you tried your best to understand the situation you were in. You didn't know if you could move or not or if she was leaving you here for some sort of loyalty test but all you knew right now, was that you couldn't move an inch because of how scared you were.

This was going to be a long night.


What's up with all the Pink?

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora