Chapter 10 - Imagination

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Chapter 10


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"Here, I got you favourite one,"

Ken handed you your chocolate ice-cream before giving Barbie hers too.

"How did you know it was my favourite?" You looked at him puzzledly before taking a bite of your ice-cream.

"I figured it out after watching you buy the same one, the other day,"

"The other day?" You asked confusedly as you stood in front of him, trying to remember just whe-



With Allan.

You hated to admit it, but you had completely forgotten you had even did this with Allan. It was as if he never existed. If Ken hadn't brought this up, you may have never even remembered you had been here before with him.

"Don't make that face honey," Barbie said before putting an arm around your shoulder and bringing you closer to her, "I'm sure he's fine now," she smiled, "At least he isn't alone anymore."

Barbie pulled you along with her and Ken as you all walked on the beach. It was a beautiful day, just like that day, and the hot burning sun, just made you remember Allan's funny red face after he'd stood in the sun for too long.

It almost made you wonder if it still happened to him. Even after the remodelling.

"Raquelle?" Barbie said, shaking you and snapping you out of your daze, "Your ice-cream is all melted."

She pointed at your hand that only had a cone left as all that was left of the ice-cream laid on the sand.

"Oh. Sorry." You said quietly as you took a step back from them, "I'll go clean myself up, I'll be right back."

You turned around quickly, before rushing to the bathroom, throwing the cone in the trash as you entered it.

You quickly rinsed up all of the melted ice-cream that was on your hands before looking back up in the mirror looking at yourself.

You were wearing a pink gingham dress with some seashell jewellery that Barbie had begged you to wear because she wanted to match with you.

Just what was wrong with you.

Why would you wear dress like that? You never even liked gingham style in the first place.

This didn't look like you at all.

It was like you were watching Ken or Barbie standing on the other side of the mirror.


You turned to the door, seeing Barbie who was waiting for you outside.

"Everything's alright?"

"Yeah," You said as you dried your hands and walked to the door, "I'm fine."

You both walked out of the bathroom hand in hand, before you were stopped by a crowd of people just standing in the way.


You heard someone say in the crowd as you were trying to walk by with Barbie.

"Over here! In the crowd!"

You looked back at Barbie, making sure she wasn't the one calling out to you. When you looked back into the crowd.

This time you knew it wasn't your imagination. There was something, or someone calling out to you. You were sure of it.

You let go of Barbie's hand hastily, before you walked into the crowd, pushing all of the people that kept bumping into eachother until you finally reached the middle.

"Thank god you're here Raquelle,"

You looked up to see a worried Allan standing in front of you.

"You've...changed a lot," You said looking him up and down. Now, he looked more like Ken than himself.

"I- yeah it's because of the remodelling," he said awkwardly as he tried fixing his hair, "But I'm not here for this today, listen to me carefully Raquelle."

Allan grabbed both of your shoulders, holding you in place before looking at you with a serious expression.

"You shouldn't trust any of them, do you understand me?" He said, holding your shoulder tightly.

"What? Who are you talking about? You're being weird Alla-"

"Barbie and Ken!" he yelled, holding your shoulder even more tightly, "They are not what they seem Raquelle they-"

"What are you doing?!"

You heard someone yell before you were pulled back out of the crowd.

"Are you okay Raquelle?" Barbie said, looking you up and down before holding you tightly into her arms. "I was so scared, I thought he hurt you."

"Why would he do that?" You gave her a nervously smile before backing away from her hug.

"He's malfunctioning Raquelle, you could've been badly hurt," she said before trying to bring you back into her arms but was stopped when you took a step back from her.

"What? No, Allan would never do that." You said truthfully, looking at Barbie then back at Ken. "He's not like that, he would never hurt me."

"You don't know that," she took a step toward you, "You never know what a malfunctioning doll could do to you. Even more when they just had a remodelling."

"Yeah but Allan wouldn't." You persisted before taking a step back from her.

"That's what you think."

Barbie said looking down on to your now bruised shoulder.

"Look at yourself Raquelle," she said pointedly as she showed you the bruises, "Does that seem harmless to you?"

You didn't say anything and just looked down at your bruised shoulder. It wasn't that big of a bruise, but it was enough for it to be visible to anybody.

"He...didn't mean to, he just wanted to help-"

"Help? Does that look like help to you?" Ken tried to reason with you as he looked down at you with a serious expression, "This is not help Raquelle, open your eyes."

You stared at him, lost for words as you simply just let his words sink in. You didn't know if their words were true, or not, or if Allan was truly who they said he was, so you just stayed silent.

"Let's get you home," Barbie said before putting an arm around you and bringing you close to her.

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon