Chapter 27 - Littler Things

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Chapter 27

Littler Things

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Alan did everything himself. He washed the dishes, did the laundry, and cleaned the entire house as you simply stood and watched. He refused you when you offered to help him and simply told you to relax and sit down.

He made you something to eat and gave you a new cup of hot tea. He didn't talk about what happened earlier and just acted like nothing had ever happened.

You were thankful for that because you didn't want to have to explain what happened before when you yourself didn't know why you acted that way.

Alan was sweet. Just like his past self. The more you spent time with him, the more you found out that not much of him had changed.

His sweetness was what you liked about him. You needed someone just as sweet as him to spend some time with-someone who wouldn't suffocate you with their love, someone who would simply be here.

You spent the entire day with him, watching movies and eating popcorn, just like before. He even had the same green pyjamas that Allan wore when you first met him.

"Don't tell me this is the end!" Alan said dramatically as he browsed through several episodes that he'd already watched, "How is this the end?"

He put down the remote before laying down on the couch even more dramatically, putting a hand over his face.

"I can't watch any more movies. It's hurting my brain."

"I warned you before watching it." You sipped on your drink before popping some popcorn into your mouth.

"Whatever, let's do something else." He sat up before looking back at you with a wide smile. "How about we play a game?"

"No," you said bluntly, browsing through the channels to find another movie to watch.

"Oh, come on." He took the remote out of your grip, holding both of your hands so you'd look at him. "It'll be a fun one, I promise."

He looked at you with pleading eyes, squeezing your hands a little so you'd say yes, and after a few seconds, you sighed and nodded your head, not being able to refuse him.

"Great!!" He got you off the couch before rushing to the kitchen and coming back with two bags full of different things. "Alright! Now we're all set!"

"Didn't you say one game? What do we need all those things for?"

"For this, of course." He held up a list full of different activities and games for a fun sleepover. There were spooky stories, make-up time, cupcake decorating, and even a pillow fight. It made you wonder just how long he had prepared for all of this.

"Well, that's...a lot," You trailed off, looking at the long list he was holding. "How do we fit all of this in one night?"

"We don't need to." He turned the list over, showing only three activities that were marked with small stars. "Today we're only doing this!"

He rolled the paper and threw it away before rummaging through his bags, removing some gigantic makeup from them, and putting them on the table.

"We'll start with this!"

You looked at him, then back at the makeup. They looked like he had stolen them from some giant monster. Just what normal doll would use make-up of this size? Seriously.

"And how are we supposed to do makeup with that?" You asked, looking at him dumbfoundedly, "You do realise its size, right?"

"It's no big deal," he shrugged. "It doesn't even weigh that much."

He held a giant eyeshadow in his hands before giving you a thumbs up.

"I'll start then," he said, sitting in front of you before smilling up at you. "Okay, close your eyes."

You complied with him, curious as to what the results would be, and closed your eyes. He struggled a little at first with the brushes but quickly adapted to them. He applied it rather quickly, first with the eyeshadow, then some blush, and finally some lipstick. It was no big professional makeup, but it worked.

"Done!" He cheered before holding a normal-sized mirror in his hands and saying, "Open your eyes and look now."

You wish you didn't. Because when you opened it, a wave of colour crashed onto you. Your face looked like you had let a five-year-old draw on it. It had every single colour you could think of. And its blending was even worse. Everywhere he tried to blend it, it looked brown. Just plain dark brown.

"So?" He looked at you with sparkling eyes and a wide smile. "Do you like it?"

When you saw his face, you couldn't help but think of a small puppy. The way his eyes twinkled and how he was looking at you expectantly made me feel like a puppy waiting to get praised.

"Yeah," you smiled at him before giving him a small pat on the head. "Thanks."

His smile didn't leave his lips as he backed away to rummage through his bag once again.

"I told you I was good at doing makeup," he said, grinning from ear to ear. "Now how about we try this?"

He held a cupcake recipe in front of you before pulling you to the kitchen.

"We need this, then this, then this, and...this!" He removed some pre-made cupcakes and several ingredients before putting them all down on the counter. He had some different coloured frosting, some sprinkles, pearls, chocolate, and lots of other decorations.

"We'll start with this." He put five cupcakes in front of you and some frosting. "You can decorate it however you want." He didn't wait for you to reply; he simply started decorating his.

You couldn't help but smile at him. Playing with him was like playing with an energetic child. One time you'd be silently sitting in the living room, then in a second you'd be in the kitchen decorating cupcakes. It was fun.

You looked down at the frosting that you had and wondered just what you were going to make.

You wanted to make something fun for him, something he'd smile and laugh at, but you didn't know what.

Alan had already finished his second cupcake before he glanced at yours, noticing your lack of decoration.

"Do you not like this activity?" He turned to look at you, giving you a small smile. "We can change if you want."

"Oh, no, sorry, I just didn't know what to make," you quickly said, shaking your head.

"Do you want me to help?" He smiled gently. "I'm a pro at this. I'm sure I can think of something you'd like."

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now