Chapter 12 - Malfunction

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Chapter 12


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You came home quite late that day. You took your time strolling around after leaving Weird Barbie's house, and when you finally reached home. It was almost past midnight.

"You're late,"

You heard someone say when you opened the door to your house. Because it was so dark, you couldn't even see the face of the person you were talking to. But you could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Ken...?" You asked, trying to catch a glimpse of his face. "Why are you here at this hour?"

You would have thought that he would have been too angry at you to come see you, but here he was.

"I came to see you," He said quietly from the other side of the room, "But you weren't here, so I figured I'd wait for you."

The light switch was on the other side of the room, where Ken was standing, and there was no way you were going to go anywhere near him right now. Especially not when he's acting like that.

"Why are you late?" he asked again as he stood quietly, staring at you. "Did you go see someone?" He took some steps toward you, "Did you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," You said simply as you stood firmly in front of the door holding the door handle behind you, "I didn't go see anybody."

"I know you're lying Raquelle!" He yelled before taking some more steps toward you, "Who were you with?"

You held the door handle tightly in your hands, ready to open the door the minute you would feel he was too close to you.

"I wasn't with anybody," You said carefully, trying to reason with him, "I was just taking a ride around Barbieland."

"So you're just going to keep lying to me?" He asked annoyingly before trying to grab your hand to pull you closer to him but before he could touch you, you opened the door quickly before rushing out of the house.

Ken wasn't acting right today. You were sure of it. Something must've happened while you were away, or maybe it happened way before and you just didn't notice.

You were running straight to your car making a dash for it, but before you could even open the door of your car, you were pulled back from behind.

"Are you okay?" Barbie asked looking down at you worriedly, "I heard some screams."

"Barbie! Thank god you're here!" You said relievingly as you clung onto her to explain the situation, "Ken, I don't know what's wrong with him. I think he's malfunctioning or something I'm not sure-" You panickedly held onto her trying to get her her move but she didn't.

"Calm down Raquelle and explain it slowly," she said quietly as you held onto your arms reassuringly.

"We don't have time Barbie! We have to go, Ken is not in his right mind right now." You tried to tug her along with you to the car but instead she pulled you back to her.

"It's fine Raquelle," she said reassuringly as she held onto your arms firmly, "Ken's fine. Look, he's right here."

You looked behind you to a collected Ken standing behind you.

"See! Everything is fine."

You took some steps back from them the moment you felt Barbie's hand grip you harder and her eyes observing you.

"Barbie..." You said nervously as you tried removing your hands from her grasp while taking some steps back, "You're acting weird right now..."

"Me? Weird?" She scoffed at you before pulling you back toward her, "You're the one acting weird right now Raquelle. Didn't we tell you to not go see him again?"

She held onto your arms tightly as she kept her eyes onto you, keeping you in place.

"Do we need to break your legs for you to stop running to see that guy?" She said coldly as she dug her nails into your arms as you tried snatching you arms away from her, but only ended up drawing blood, from the way she was holding you.

"Why do you keep making things so hard for yourself?"

You backed away from her, looking down at your now bleeding arms as she cornered you to your car. With Ken in the right and her on your left.

"What does he have that we don't?" She asked annoyingly as she looked down at you. "You weren't made for him; you were made for us."

She cupped your face for you to look at her as you stood there, shaking like a leaf. You were too scared to make a single move. You were scared they would try to do something worse to you if you tried running away or said something they didn't like.

"You were made for us Raquelle," she repeated as she looked down at you with a crazed expression, "For us, do you understand?"

You didn't reply instantly, but right when you saw her face shifting, you nodded your head violently. Agreeing with anything she was saying as some tears threatened to fall from your eyes.

Her face changed instantly when she saw you nod. She smiled back at you like nothing had ever happened before giving you a tight hug.

"Yes, of course you do," she warmly held you close to her. "You're our Raquelle. You love us just as much as we love you."

Her words sounded like venom to your ears. You felt suffocated by her hug, and attempts to comfort you. Your open wound just made it worst, as you could feel the blood dripping down your arm and into the grass.

"Let's get you treated," she said, taking your hands into hers before pulling you to the house, "I'm sure you'll feel much better."

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now