Chapter 25 - (Un)welcomed guests

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Chapter 25

(Un)welcomed guests

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You didn't find out about Alan and Midge being the all-so-awaited guests Barbie was talking about until she asked you to go welcome them at the door.

Needless to say, your expression when you saw them standing on the porch was anything but welcoming.

"Hi!" Midge smiled, with Alan standing next to her. "Is Barbie here?"

"No," you replied bluntly with a frown on your face, "she won't be here today, so come back another day-or simply don't."

You didn't mean to sound so spiteful-or maybe you did-but it still wasn't your intention to act so bitchy towards them. You were about to close the door in their faces, but Ken was quick to walk behind you and hold the door open for them.

"I'm so sorry for the wait," he smiled apologetically before giving you a quick glare and then looking back at them. "Barbie is in the kitchen; you can come in."

They both walked inside, all smilling, making themselves at home like it was theirs as Barbie came and greeted them.

This was really annoying. Just when you thought you would finally forget about that day, here they were again reminding you of what you were trying so hard to forget.

"Why are you acting like that?"

You turned around to look at Ken, who was still glaring down at you annoyingly, like you had done something wrong.

"What?" You said, frowning up at him, "I'm not acting like anything."

"I'm talking about how you acted towards them." He insisted, "Stop this already, okay? Barbie won't like this."

"What does that have to do with me? She didn't even bother telling me they were coming."

"Why would she?" He asked frustratedly, "Midge is her best friend." She invited her because she wanted to spend some time with her."

"And what about him?"

"What about him?" He looked at you with a frown, like what you said made no sense: "He's Midge's fiancee, Raquelle. Get your act together; he's not Allan anymore."

"Of course he isn't; that's why he's so freaking annoying."

You really hated how his words sounded like he was trying to get you out of your 'delusion'. You didn't need to get out of anything. You knew Allan wasn't him; you didn't need to be reminded of that, especially not from him.

You stormed to your room, not bothering to go greet any of them. If they wanted to spend some time reminiscing with their 'friends', you would gladly let them.

The time in your room passed slowly. You didn't have anything else to do but stare at the ceiling, counting the different unknown dots that were on it.

There were several white ones that seemed to be splashes from when they had painted the walls white, then there were some that looked like some normal stains, and lastly, there were one or two red ones-actually, no, those were cameras.

Now that you've looked at it more carefully, those cameras were really well hidden. You didn't need to ask who it was to know who actually put it there.

It was like it was purposely put there before they started the construction of the mansion. If it weren't for your very long time staring at the ceiling, you would have actually believed that it was only some normal red dots that had just randomly appeared there, but looking at it more closely, their positions were anything but random.

They were at very specific angles that could capture everything. You were a hundred percent sure that it covered everything there was to cover and that there were almost no blind spots in the room. Almost.

The only spot that wasn't reached by the cameras was the bathroom, and you thanked God it was. At least they knew what privacy was.

You tossed on your bed, your belly growling in need of food, as your eyes drifted to your locked door.

You would have thought that by now either Barbie or Ken would have come looking for you, but they didn't. They all stayed downstairs with their 'guests', not caring about whether you had eaten or not.

Time passed ever so slowly again as your thoughts drifted and drifted until it was morning. You hadn't even realised you had fallen asleep until you woke up by yourself.

Your first thought was that it was still early and that Barbie or Ken would have come to wake you up later, but neither of it happened. Nobody was even in the house.

All the doors were locked, so were the windows and transoms. There was no clock in the mansion, so you didn't even know what time it was, but seeing how the sun was fully out, it must've been somewhere around lunch time.

You were completely lost in words. You just couldn't process why they would leave you alone. These were the exact people who wouldn't even let you go to the toilet alone, and yet now they didn't even bother telling you they would be out.

You walked into the kitchen, trying to maybe find a small note that Barbie or Ken would've left on the fridge, but there was nothing. No notes or letters; simply, nothing.

The kitchen didn't even look like someone had been here before; it was squeaky clean and smelled like someone had just recently cleaned it.

The smell of bleach was the most prominent in the room. It smelled crisp and raw, like when you simply couldn't have bothered mixing the bleach with water and had just used it as it was.

You made a cup of tea before walking to the living room and sitting down to watch a movie. You needed to get them out of your mind. You had spent so much time with them that it had almost become a routine to look for them right when you woke up.

You couldn't help but crave Barbie's light kisses or Ken's warm embrace when they'd try to get you off the bed, or their soft laughs when you'd have a movie night together.

The time was passing very slowly, and they still weren't back. Your tea had gone cold, and a new movie was playing. Your eyes were fixed on the door, ready to run to it at the slightest click you'd hear from it, but nothing came. Nothing.

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now