Chapter 26 - Mess

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Chapter 26


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You would spend the next two consecutive days waking up, drinking tea, waiting for them, and unknowingly falling asleep. Time without them was painful-excruciatingly painful.

You didn't know what to do or how to do anything. You didn't know what day or time it was. You simply didn't know how to function without them here. Your mind always drifted to them every time you tried to do anything.

That smell of bleach was the worst.

It clung to your clothes and burned your lungs every time you took a breath. Its strong, acidic smell made your stay at home even more unbearable.

It came to a point where you'd try to drown its smell in perfume. Spraying it wasn't enough; you needed to drown several clothes in it for its smell to go away.

You were a mess. An awful wrecking mess.

The second you heard the clicking sound of the door opening, you ran to it without bothering to check who it was. You clung onto them, nuzzling into their clothes like your life depended on it.


It wasn't Barbie's or Ken's voice; it was someone else's, an annoying one.

"Are you okay?" Alan looked down at you worriedly, trying to take a step towards you to check your state, but came to a stop when you backed away from him.

"Sorry," You glanced behind him, wondering if anyone else was with him. "I thought you were someone else."

He glanced behind him, following your eyes, before looking back down at you with a small sigh. "They won't be coming back today; it's Midge's birthday."


You avoided his gaze, looking down at everything but him. You didn't want anyone to see you in this state, especially not him.

You wanted to ask him more questions about when they would be back, why they would leave without telling you, or why they didn't take you with them, but you were too scared. You were scared of his answer.

"Raquelle," he called out again, only this time he said it more sharply so he'd catch your attention again, "I asked if you were okay."

He didn't need a reply to get an answer. You couldn't even keep a straight face when you heard his words. You simply shook your head, looking down to hide your teary eyes, trying to hide them by faking a scratch on your face.

Alan didn't say anything more and simply moved closer to you before taking you into his arms, trying his best to calm you down.

"I'm sorry," You said it quietly as you tried backing away from him but failed when he pulled you back into his arms.

"It's fine." He put your head on his shoulder, clumsily caressing your head to calm you down. "I don't mind. I really don't mind."

His words only made you cry harder-you didn't know why, but they just did. You spent the next fifteen minutes crying and crying until you couldn't feel your eyes anymore. The tears just kept flowing and flowing as he held you in his arms, his eyes never leaving you as he lightly caressed your head.

When you finally calmed down, he still didn't let go until he made sure you weren't trembling or crying anymore. His shirt was drenched all over his shoulder, with your face as if imprinted onto it.

"I'm sorry," You repeated again, looking down at his clothes as you took a step back, "I'll give you a new one."

You were about to turn away to quickly go grab a clean T-shirt, but Alan stopped you in your track with his usual small smile that looked like it was looking at a pitiful animal.

"It's fine; I have spare clothes in the car." He motioned to his car outside before awkwardly looking behind you, noticing the mess that you had created. His eyes fell on the drenched clothes sitting on the sofa, then on the still-full cups of tea, and finally on your blanket that laid on the ground.

"I'll clean up-" You followed his eyes as you tried to hide your nervousness. "I will clean this up, don't worry."

You turned around, quickly picking up your blanket and the drenched clothes to put them in the laundry before running back to put away the cups.


Alan tried to call out to you, but you didn't listen to him and simply continued trying to clean up your mess.

"Raquelle, it's fine."

You didn't listen to him as you kept on running around, hiding the empty bottles of perfume, and running to go wash the cups.


He grabbed you by the arms, keeping you still as he looked at you straight in the eyes.

"It's fine; I told you it was fine, so please stop."

You didn't reply to him instantly, but when you saw his expression, you couldn't help but nod at his words.

"Do you...want me to call them?"

He took his time talking, like he was talking to a little child who couldn't understand what he was saying. His grip on you was as light as a feather, but it was firm. You couldn't move away, even if you wanted to.

You couldn't give him a proper reply. You looked back at the mess that stood behind you and then looked down at you. You didn't want them to see you like that; you couldn't. They would never want you again if they saw how desperate and emotional you were.

When he noticed your lack of reply, he simply nodded softly before giving you a small smile.

"I'll help you clean up." He turned you around and walked with you back inside. "I am not in a hurry."

𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 & 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now