🌈 LGBTQ+ Entries

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Hello, all!

I was planning to announce entries for Best Kissing Scene this week, but we still need one more judge to run this category. So we'll go with LGBTQ+ next. 😘💋😺

Reading list:

Judging Rubrics - Novels

Deadline for judging:
17th December

Dear participants,
Please do not forget to follow your judge! 💕💖


Judge: Jamless_clumsy_girl

A King's Game
by sherazadeetdunjazade

by sarah3534

Forgotten Love: Two Conflicted Hearts
by DasiaTR

Midnight Mask
by Cheshire_977


Judge: Denyefa4

My Lost Lover
by Prac_02

True Blue
by 23madonna

Unmarked Mates
by GosiaAC

When You Smile
by Iris-hope


Pawesome Awards 2023Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora