Chapter 24

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Naruto saw Zabuza holding Hinata in the air by her neck and stabbed a kunai in her stomach.


A newfound rage filled him. Naruto lunged himself at Zabuza, punching him back with great force. Zabuza let go of Hinata and Naruto's chains grabbed her gently and set her on the ground.

Hinata looked down to see a chain from Naruto wrapping itself around her. The chain set her down gently on the ground and then left back to Naruto.

With Zabuza, he wasn't doing good. The chains produced from Naruto grabbed him and threw him against the ground and kept doing this. Then the chains wrapped around him and restrainted him and brought him to Naruto.

Zabuza was face to face with Naruto but something was different, it was his eyes. A little while ago, his eyes were blood red and had slited pupils. But now they were onyx black with a red swirl. The swirls started spinning and going faster.

'What the... those eyes. They look like Kushina's...'

'Wha... What's wrong with Naruto's eyes?'

Naruto summoned one of his chains, coated in red chakra, and aimed it at Zabuza's heart. The chain went straight through his body. Zabuza's body went limp but Naruto's rage was still going. Hinata tried to get up to stop him.

'Naruto needs to stop. If he keeps going, he might hurt someone.' Hinata threw herself onto Naruto's back

Naruto kept thrashing around and Hinata kept trying to hug him to calm him down but it wasn't working. Then she realized she needed to do something drastic. She got in front of Naruto and then kissed him, on the lips.

Naruto instantly calmed down and the red chakra faded. The chains receded and his eyes went back to their ocean blue.

"Hinata...?" Naruto askd, flustered

"Shh, your exhausted. You can rest Naruto." Hinata told him

Naruto's eyes rolled to the back of his head and collapsed, Hinata caught him and set him on the ground gently. Then there was slow clapping behind them. Kakashi, Hinata, and Tazuna turned around to see a short fat man.

"Gato..." Tazuna whispered with an undertone of anger

"Well well well, that was quite impressive show you put on. I originally came here to kill Zabuza but it looks like you did for me." Gato said

"You're Gato? I expected more than just... this." Hinata gestured all of Gato

Gato chuckled. "So you got a mouth too, huh? I was originally going to order these thugs behind me to kill Zabuza but you'll do just fine." Gato snapped his fingers and the said thugs behind him ran to Hinata

"Kakashi. Protect Tazuna. I wanna fight them." Hinata grabbed Zabuza's sword off the ground, I guess you could say it was her sword now

'I used too much chakra with my Byakugan, Shadow Clones, and Twin Lion Fist. I don't have as much chakra Naruto or even Sasuke but I have an idea.'

Hinata remembered reading something that can help with her chakra reserves.

Sage Mode is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creating senjutsu chakra. Sage Mode allows users to tap into the natural force of the world, opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to power up existing ones with the new senjutsu chakra.

With this knowledge, Hinata activated her Byakugan and started to absorb the nature chakra around into her eyes. Hinata was very careful not to absorb a lot of nature chakra with how little of her own chakra she had.

There was a slight pain in her eyes but she ignored it but something was different, not only could she see the chakra of the people around her but she could see the chakra all around her. She was seeing nature chakra with her Byakugan

Hinata readied her sword and channeled her chakra through it. The stab wound was slowly healing, thanks to the nature chakra. Hinata saw something in the concrete, it looks like a tenketsu. It looked like the same as a humans tenketsu's but they looked more like fractures.

Immediately, Hinata bended down and struck the tenketsu on the ground with her sword. This caused a crater to be formed and dust flew everywhere. Hinata jumped through the dust and lunged herself at the thugs. She activate her Twin Lion Fist in one of her hands to drain the chakra from the thugs.

They weren't shinobi but they were fun to fight against, Hinata never felt so alive. The thrill of the fight and adrenaline excited her. Hinata finished thugs and aimed her sword at Gato.

"Your turn."

Gato tried to run but Hinata threw a kunai to his back and he fell into the water. What a pathetic death.

Hinata stood over the edge where Gato fell. "Pathetic. A man who made these people's lives miserable was struck down so easily. You put on a mask of power but in the face of actual power, you're nothing."

Hinata walked back to Kakashi and Tazuna. Hinata looked up to Kakashi. "Kakashi-sensei, I'm tired..."

Hinata didn't finish talking because she passed out from her adrenaline crash. Kakashi caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Today was... every eventful." Kakashi said

Looks like Team 7 has some new dojutsu abilities. Hinata new Byakugan ability was inspired by Hinata of the White Lotus by froznx on Fanfiction.Net. I don't really know the abilities of Naruto's dojutsu so any ideas?

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