Chapter 7

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The lunch bell rang at the academy. Most of the kids rushed out of the classroom and to the courtyard to eat their lunches.

Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke stayed behind in the classroom. Naruto didn't have a lunch, Hinata was about to ask her friend/crush if he wanted to eat lunch with her, and Sasuke stayed behind because he didn't like so much social interaction.

"Hey Naruto, wanna eat lunch with me?" Hinata's stuttering habit and shyness started to fade away after befriending Naruto

"Sure! Sounds awesome." Naruto smiled

Naruto's stomach then growled in hunger, startling both Hinata and Sasuke.

"Where's your lunch Naruto? You sound hungry." Hinata asked

"Well you see... I don't have any food at home and I have to wait to get money for food..." Naruto explained, looking embarrassed

Hinata looked concerned and then brought out her luch and split it in half with him. "Here. I always make too much anyways."

Naruto looked at the delicious food. "A-Are you sure it's okay?" It was his turn to stutter and blush

"I'm sure." Hinata said

Sasuke looked at the two but mainly on Naruto, he did look kinda skinny...

Sasuke also brought out his lunch and split it with Naruto. "Here Dobe, there's always too much anyways..."

Naruto looked suprised for a moment before smiling and taking the half. "That was unexpectedly nice of you Sasuke."

Sasuke merely huffed and turned his head away, mainly to hid the pint tint on his cheeks.


After a few hours, they were the only group left.

“All the other teams were picked up an hour ago! Why isn’t our Sensei here yet?!” Naruto vented

“Maybe they had an emergency, and their running late?” Hinata suggested

“You give people too much credit,” Sasuke said

“S-Sorry.” Hinata curled in on herself, Sasuke made a note of that.

“Don’t be mean to her, Teme! I think it’s awesome Hinata sees the best in people.” Naruto defended her

“P-Please d-don’t fight." Hinata mumbled, but it was barely audible over their fighting

Kakashi walked through the door and saw Hinata right in front of him with her back turned against him, watching the other two boys fight. He reached out and touched her shoulder.

“You must be H-" Kakashi couldn't finish her sentence because Hinata flipped him over her shoulder

Instinct overtook Hinata and her body reacted on its own. She grabbed his hand and, with all her might, flipped Kakashi over. She was about to punch him when she realized that he was their sensei.

"I-I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry s-sensei! P-Please f-forgive m-me!" Hinata bowed

Naruto and Sasuke's jaws dropped. Hinata almost bodied their sensei...

“It was very rude of you two to ignore the young lady. Now apologize.” Kakashi got up and dusted himself off like nothing happened

"Sorry Hinata." Naruto apologized

"Sorry..." Sasuke mumbled

“Now why don’t we go up to the roof and chat.” The Jonin smiled and held the door open for the Genin before he sat them down on the roof. “Why don’t you introduce yourselves?”

"What should we talk about?” Naruto asked, Kakashi took note of Hinata attempting to act as a wall between the boys.

"Your likes and dislikes. Hobbies. Dreams for the future." Kakashi said

"W-Why do-don't you give us an example sensei?" Hinata asked in a shy tone

"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future... never really thought about that. And my hobbies... I have lots of hobbies." Kakashi said

"Well that was pointless. All we got was your name." Hinata said without thinking

Hinata realized what she said and thought she insulted her teacher. "I-I'm s-sorry s-sensei!"

"It's alright." Kakashi gave a closed eye smile. "Now your turn blondie."

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like ramen, studying fuinjutsu, creating new seals, and my best friend Hinata!" Hinata blushed at this. "I don't like the two minutes it takes for ramen to cook and arrogant people who judge a person without getting to know them. My dream it to become Hokage! Believe it!" Naruto said

"Your turn Emo." Kakashi said to Sasuke

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I don't have likes or dislikes. I don't have time for hobbies. My dream... no, mu ambition is to kill a certain man and revive the Uchiha Clan." Sasuke said in a cold tone

The hell man?! Naruto scooted away from Sasuke.

Scary! Kakashi noticed Hinata became even paler.

"What about you young lady?" Kakashi tried to steer the conversation

Hinata flinced at the sudden attention on her. “O-oh… M-m-my name is Hinata H-Hyuga. I-I like c-cinnamon r-rolls and g-gardening. I also enjoy reading and studying various jutsus that can work well with my clans Byakugan. Like genjutsu and medical ninjutsu! The Byakugan can enhance genjutsu range and work on multiple opponents at once! The Byakugan can also looks inside the human body others without the body can't! The Byakugan has so may uses but my clan..." Hinata spoke passionately and excitedly, she felt like she could talk to someone about her interest!

Hinata stopped talking when she noticed every looking at her with wide, suprised eyes. No one has heard Hinata talk that loud or long.

Hinata blushed out of embarrassment and shrunk into her self. "M-My h-hobbies a-are f-flower p-pressing a-and c-cooking. I-I d-dislike t-training w-with o-others a-and..." Hinata stopped speaking from the attention she was receiving

She seems like she has self-confidence issues. It looks like she's starting to get over them with that remark from earlier but she's not completely out of her shell yet... Kakashi thought

"Well that was fun." Kakashi clapped his hands together

“Now, we’re going to meet for a training exercise tomorrow. I’d recommend skipping breakfast.”

“Why?” Naruto asked.

“I think you’ll want to avoid throwing up.” Kakashi explained

“Th-throw u-up?!” Hinata shouted

“Well, that’s all for today. Bye~” With that Kakashi disappeared, leaving the group alone.

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