Chapter 18

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Hinata didn't leave Kakashi's side.

When they got to Tazuna's house, she tried to use her Twin Lion Fist technique to transfer some of her chakra to Kakashi to help him heal faster.

Only one problem.

Hinata couldn't figure out how to use the Twin Lion Fist to their full potential, it was already hard enough for her to activate it in the first place.

"Why can't I do this? I'm a Hyuga, it's one of my clans technique's. Why isn't it working? Am I just that useless?" Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes

Hinata kept trying to perform the Twin Lions, not even Naruto or even Sasuke could bring her out of her determination.

Hinata then activated her Byakugan, which still brought pain to her eyes since she didn't rest after having them on for so long. Hinata looked at Kakashi's tenketsu's, trying to looks for another way to help.

Hinata saw 8 major tenketsu's in his body that were holding back most of his chakra. Hinata remembered hearing about this from Matio Gai, or Might Guy as he preferred.

She remembered him talking about the 8 gates and she was so fascinated by them she snuck into the ninja library to research them. 'The Eight Gates exist in order to limit the flow of chakra within an individual's body. Ordinarily, individuals can use no more than 20% of their body's full potential, the brain's way of protecting the individual from harming their body through overexertion. But if I can get them to flow a little more chakra, it could help Kakashi-sensei.'

Hinata then laid Kakashi straight so it would be easier to aim for the specific tenketsu's she would strick.

'Alright. The first one is in the left side of the brain, the second one is in right, the third is on the spinal cord, the fourth is below the third, the fifth is below the fourth, the sixth is below the fifth, the seventh is below the sixth, and the eight on the heart.' Hinata analyzed with her Byakugan

Hinata readied herself, using the traditional Hyuga style to open the tenketsu's instead of closing them.

'Gotta be fast about this.'

Hinata struck the 8 tenketsu's with incredible speed and accuracy. She sent her chakra into the tenketsu's to open them a little instead of closing them, but not opening them so much as to the side effects she remembered.

After she was done, Hinata checked with her Byakugan to see if there were any changes in Kakashi chakra network. She saw a slight increase in his flow of chakra and hoped she didn't overdo it. When she saw no change except the slight increase, she finally deactivated her Byakugan and let out a sigh of relief.

That is... She would if her thoughts had come back.

'What if I accidentally hit the wrong pressure points and I killed Kakashi-sensei? What if the Twin Lions actually worked and I just gave him an overload pf chakra? What if I messed up the 8 gates and Kakashi-sensei's dying from the shear amount of chakra?! Whatifwhatifwhatifwhatif-'

Hinata tried to keep her thoughts together but all of those What if's made her doubt what she did to Kakashi was actually good for him.

'What if you actually killed him? Stupid Hinata, you killed your sensei like you killed your uncle Hizashi. Neji hated you for that and now Naruto and Sasuke will hate you for killing their sensei. Useless Hinata. Uselessuselessuselessuselessuselessuseless‐'

"Please... stop..." Hinata begged, tears now streaming her face

Eventually, Hinata succumbed to her exhaustion and passed out on the floor next to Kakashi.


Kakashi opened his eyes, he almost immediately shut them again from the sunlight peaking into the room he was in. He strangely felt energized, like he didn't use the Sharingan the night before. But he still felt his injuries, tho they weren't as bad as he thought they would be.

"Ow... I think I overdid it with the Sharingan again..." Kakashi tried to sit up but felt something on him

Kakashi looked down and saw Hinata sleep on his leg. She look tired and flinched at every sound.

A woman opened the door and saw that he was awake. "Oh your awake. I expected you to be out for a few more days. I'm Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter. This is my house you're in."

"Thank you for you hospitality Tsunami-san." Kakashi tried to bow but couldn't in his state

You certainly gave one of your students a scare, she's been by your side all night and tried to give you her chakra so you could heal faster." She said

Kakashi looked at Hinata, who was still sleeping.

"After she used her eyes for an extended period of time, her teammates told her to rest but she went straight to work on healing you. She even skipped dinner while she was working, even though her teammates insisted she eat. Poor thing, seems like she worked herself to exhaustion." Tsunami said

Kakashi put his hand on Hinata's shoulder, gently shaking her awake. "Hinata, I'm up. I'm awake."

Hinata rubbed her eye and look tiredly at Kakashi then relized that Kakashi was awake. " Kakashi-sensei!" Hinata hugged him

"I'll give you two a moment." Tsunami stepped out of the room

After Tsunami left, Kakashi asked Hinata. "Did you really spend all night tending to me?"

"Y-Yes..." Hinata looked down, looking like she was expecting to be scolded

"Why?" He asked

"B-Because... you were hurt a-and I couldn't do anything useful during the fight with Zabuza. All I could be was stand back, I should’ve helped Naruto and Sasuke and you but I couldn't move. I-I was frozen in fear and useless, I-I..." Tears slipped out of Hinata's eyes, despite her efforts to keep them at bay

"Hinata, how did you heal me exactly?"

Hinata looked at Kakashi before answering. "I-I didn't know much about Medical Ninjutsu b-but I-I r-remembered tenketsu's that hold back chakra so I opened them up a bit to help you get better." Hinata answered as she wiped some of her tears away

Kakashi, however, was astonished by his genin's feat. The 8 gates were incredibly powerful but incredibly deadly, as Guy always warned him whenever he got curious. But to hear of one of hin genin to use them to help his recovery process, the precision and control of her chakra must be absolutely incredible. He heard that one of the things the Hyuga specialize in was chakra control but never to this extent!

"Hinata..." Hinata looked up to Kakashi, who had a kind look in his eyes. "You did good."

"No I didn't do good!" Hinata snapped

"I was trained in my clans ways to fight from an early age! I could've taken care of Zabuza easily, but yet I froze! I couldn't do anything! How exactly did I do 'good'?" Kakashi could feel the sarcasm in her voice at the end of her sentence

"Hinata... not even the most prepared man could prepare for his first kill. No matter how much you were trained, the first kill is always the hardest. It means your so full of kindness and empathy for everyone. True, you didn't fight and were frozen but that's my fault. As your sensei, I should have done a better job at prepared you for the real world after you graduated from the Academy." Kakashi said

"But it's expected of me, I'm the Hyuga Clan heiress. I can't afford to be weak." Hinata said

"Hmm... then maybe it's time for your own ninja way." Kakashi told her

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