Chapter 11

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The trio retreated back into the forest, waiting for the perfect opportunity to get the bells. Kakashi, for the most part, pulled out a book and started reading.

"He's just standing there, reading." Sasuke said while watching Kakashi

"Since he's distracted, let's just jump him." Naruto suggested, readying some seals

"Idiot, he's a jonin. Even distracted, he could kick your dead last ass." Sasuke said

"Hey! I thought we bonded earlier! What's the big idea?"

"We may have bonded earlier but my ambition cannot afford to go back to the academy. I need one of those bells." Sasuke jumped off somewhere

"Ughhh! That bastard! Who does he think he is?!" Naruto yelled

"Umm... Naruto..." Hinata quietly said

"Just because he's the Rookie of the Year, doesn't mean we have to fall behind just for him!"

"Naruto." Hinata said in a normal tone

"My idea could work! We just have to-"

"Naruto!" Hinata shouted

"Huh?" Naruto looked at Hinata

"As I was saying, I have a plan." Hinata said


Hinata's plan was to use Naruto's Shadow Clones and Fuinjutsu to distract Kakashi so the real Hinata could sneak up behind him and shut down his chakra network with her Gentle Fist.

"You know your supposed to hide right?" Kakashi asked Naruto

"I know but if I hide, I won't be able to test these new seals." Naruto brought a seal to the level of his head

He let the seal go and down to the palm of his hand. It stopped before it could land on his hand, much to Kakashi's confused.

"I don't know if this'll work or kill me but hey' live and learn." Naruto said before activating the seal

I can't let my guard down. There's no telling what he'll do. Kakashi thought as he made a fighting stance

"Sealing Technique: Fireball!" Naruto activated the seal and it formed into a fireball

Naruto threw the fireball seal at Kakashi and he jumped back to avoid being hit. Kakashi looked at the crater the fireball left.

He managed to combine fire with a sealing technique. Kakashi thought in amazement

Naruto summoned a few Shadow Clones and they all threw more fireball seals at Kakashi, driving him into the forest. Sasuke watched it play out from the trees, since Kakashi was distracted by Naruto this was his chance.

Sasuke threw a handful of shuriken and then used a fireball jutsu. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

When the fire vanished, there was a crater with a burnt log with shuriken stabbed into it.

Huh? Where'd he go? Behind me? Above? Sasuke looked around, looking for Kakashi

"I'm right here." Kakashi's hand came from the ground and pulled Sasuke down until only his head was sticking out

"You have talent but you can't expect to win alone." Kakashi said

And with that, he disappeared.


"Damn it Sasuke, you messed up the plan. Now me and Naruto don't know where Kakashi-sensei is." Hinata said

Hinata was suprised at herself for cussing. "Did I just say that?" Hinata asked out loud

"Yes you did." Kakashi said from behind her

Hinata reacted again and tried to punch Kakashi but he saw it coming this time. He easily caught her punch, Hinata tried to kick him but he caught her foot.

Then Kakashi placed Hinata under a genjutsu. Hinata saw a bloody Naruto with many shuriken and kunai stabbed into his body. Hinata was trembling in fear, she almost screamed in terror but bit her hand.

No, No, this isn't real. Naruto is fine. This isn't real... Hinata thought as tears began to form in her eyes

Hinata's hand formed into a fist, her chakra was building up in her body and eyes. No, I refuse to believe this! I promised myself I would make sure no one ever harms Naruto again! And to do that, I need to pass this test!

Hinata activated her Byakugan and the illusion disappeared. Kakashi, who was leaning against a tree, saw the whole thing.

Huh? I'm out of the genjutsu?... Hinata thought

Impressive. Hinata managed to get herself out of my genjutsu, and in such short time. She could become a genjutsu type with her Byakugan. Kakashi thought

Hinata's eyes whipped around unil she saw Kakashi. She rushed at him, trying to shut off his chakra but Kakashi was quicker. He punched Hinata in the gut which knocked her out.


"Ah It's noon already?" Kakashi said out loud


Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke sat in front of the post, looking down at the ground in shame.

"So who's plan was it to lure me into the forest?" Kakashi asked the group

"It was mine and Naruto's..." Hinata quietly said

"It was mostly Hinata's. She was the one who made me listen before I acted rashly." Naruto admitted

"And did Sasuke have a part in this?" Kakashi asked again

"No, it was just us." Hinata said

"Well since you and Naruto we able to work together and Sasuke was the closest to get the bells, I won't send you back to the academy." Kakashi said

"Wait really!?" Hinata said

"You won't send us back to the academy?!" Naruto said

"Yes but one of you has to be tied to the post so... Sasuke, you will be tied to the post." Kakashi said

"What!? But you said to yourself, I was the closest to get the bells!" Sasuke said

"What did you think the point of this test was?" Kakashi asked Sasuke

"To get the bells." Sasuke said

"No. It was to see if your group had the ability to work together. Naruto and Hinata worked together to try to get a bell but you thought you could do it by yourself. Those who break the rules are scum, but those who betray their comrades and worse than trash." Kakashi said


After being tied to a post, Sasuke stood there hungry. Naruto and Hinata eat their lunches in front of him, kami it looked so good right now...

Sasuke's stomach growled and Naruto and Hinata looked at Sasuke then at each other. Naruto picked up a rice ball with his chopsticks and put the rice ball in front of Sasuke's mouth.

"Open wide." Naruto said

"I'd rather starve." Sasuke said

"Oh quit be a damn tsundere and eat." Naruto said

Sasuke huffed for a moment before taking a bite, which made Naruto grin wider. Hinata softly laughed and began feeding Sasuke as well.

Sasuke, well... He was having a bisexual panic right now. He was blushing like crazy that two very pretty and cute people where feeding him.

Kakashi watched in a distance. This is an interesting development. Kakashi thought before he dismissed he team for the day.

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