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it was actually happening, a very very special day for Felix and his boyfriend, Hyunjin. it was their 3 years anniversary, it felt like a dream to Felix, he didn't expected that he and the older will stay together for 3 years, it meant a lot. it was 7 PM, felix making food for hyunjin in the kitchen of their shared two-story house which hyunjin owned for 4 years. the older usually comes back a 9 PM but every year on their anniversary day hyunjin came back earlier, on that day he did every thing to make felix feel special and told him how precious he was, thinking of the old memories felix made the fav dishes of hyunjin's. and suddenly his phone rang a call from his bestfriend more like a brother, Jisung, he smiled and picked up the call. "hello, hello bro!" chirped jisung from the other side. "hi, sung how you are?" replied felix taking a seat on a chair. "isnt today the the day when you will get all kinky and lovey-dovey with ya boy friend? well it is nothing special you two do it everyday right?" asked the older by one day, to his twin. "w-what? don't you have anything better to do with your dump life!" whisperd felix, blushing. "yea, i do, having sex with your brother, minho." jisung said laughing. "are you serious you do it every fucking time and you are telling me?" said felix with a sigh. "we do it and we say it, not like trying to hide it, baby." said jisung, felix could tell that the older by one day had a nasty smirk on his face. "I- fuck it...yea we do whatever you think but why the fuck did you call me?" asked felix now totally red by thinking of himself with hyunjin. "just to wish ya a happy anniversary with your boyfriend, now bye your brother is ready with the blind fold and stuff so yea-" felix cutted the call even before jisung could complete.

"i am waiting for you hyunie"

the doorbell rang loudly as felix got out of his thoughts, he ran towards the door with a irritated reaction opening it. "hyunjin, do you know what the fucking time is? it is 11-" the blonde got cut off by his bf entering the house with a scoff, siding him aside. "i am not in the mood felix, i going to take a shower." the brunette said opening his tie from his neck. "wh.. what do you mean by not in the mood, hyunjin?" asked the younger angrily grabbing the arm of his lover. "Felix, leave my hand, i said i am not in the mood." hyunjin said this time more coldly. "no, i wont, do you know tha-" before the younger could complete hyunjin snapped at him. "felix, why don't you just fucking listen to me for once!? i fucking said it i am not in the mood, then why the fuck do you keep bothering me?! fucking leave my hand!" hyunjin harshly pulled his hands from felix's grab and pushed him aside, but the younger just tripped on a stool behind him which hyunjin never noticed, the blonde fell down on
the ground making a sound, on which hyunjin ran up to him. "o-oh my god, -baby are you okay? i-i am really sorry i didn't meant to do that! wait- let me-" hyunjin tried to pick his lover up in his arms but the younger just pushed him away getting up, looking at the other boy with glossy eyes. "wow.. th-that's what i deserve on our 3 years anniversary.. what a good gift from you hyunjin.." said the younger, his voice breaking, tears already falling down his eyes. where hyunjins eyes widened in shock.

'fuck, how can he forget this precious day?'

"i-i... felix, baby i am really sorry i- i dont fucking know how i forgot-"

"shut it hyunjin, i dont wanna hear anything from you right now, i am going out and please dont come after me."

"what, no baby, please listen to me, i -i am really so so sorry! please forgive me, please lixie? you know i love you right?"

"dont touch, you love me? do you remember say that 'i will never hurt you' to me when you confessed to me? where has it all gone? let me go" he made his way towards the door, opening the door knob when hyunjin held his wrist. "please lix- i love you! i can explain why i was late-" the older tried to get him back inside, now the tears flowing down his cheeks too. "please.... let me go......i need a fucking break!" felix snapped jerking away his hand and getting out of  the house living a broken hyunjin behind, a break? no.. hyunjin was about to die, the boy who he loves the most in this fucking cruel world needed a break from him, the time was like stopped, hyunjin just could see felix disappear from the view of his eyes, he wants to go after him but he can't his body was like paralyzed, he wanted to cry out and get his baby back and then he got back his sense, he rushed out of the house, looking for the love of his life, but even panicked more when he didn't captured the blondie in his sight. "fuck fuck wh-what to do now!?" he got on his knees in the middle of the vacant street, only thinking of felix. 

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