13: Damien's Visit from the Monsters

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Damien missed her immensely and found himself worried that Quinton was fleeing with her. There wasn't anything to suggest so and she had even told him herself that they would return in time for his plan. His pack grew restless, and many reported sightings of figures out in the woods. He investigated a few of these himself, most disappeared before he arrived, and one straight-up vanished before his eyes as he got closer to the figure. Monsters the women of his pack would tell him scared for their unborn children. There were few of them that hadn't shifted yet because their mates were away on business. It was troubling Damien, but there wasn't anything he could do. Their mates were the only ones who could talk to the fetus while they shifted. It kept the unborn babies calm while they experienced their first pain of shifting so their hearts wouldn't give out. The process was precise for a reason, and Damien knew that much, but it didn't help him now that they were under attack.

He was out on patrol when one came out from the shadows. Their red eyes pierced into his, causing an uncontrollable shudder to go down his spine. "FBI says you're a cult. But we both know what you really are. I'll consider not revealing your secret in exchange for some new lineage." The man taunted flashing his fangs with a lick of his lips.

"Monsters like you were meant to be killed long ago. These babies belong with their rightful families, not in your kingdom of lies and bloodlust." Damien bellowed out confidently.

"Vampires." The man seethed in anger, "We are vampires. Striking fear into the hearts of all we consume and use. Maybe I should find your mate here and give her a taste or two." He chuckled, getting a rile out of Damien.

The vampire sniffed the air and smirked. "So she's not here anymore? That's why you aren't running a tail between your legs. Interesting. That must make her the human new experiment. How does it feel to know your mate is being used as a lab rat, doggie?" Damien lunged at the man and immediately found himself faceplanting into the dirt. He quickly got up and turned around, finding that he had dodged his attack. A high-pitched sound called out from the woods, and the man smirked.

"Seems like I don't need your permission for this deal. We've got what we need to keep your secret safe!" He snickered and promptly disappeared into the night.

Damien found himself stricken with panic and raced towards the pack house. Many of his men lay on the ground incapacitated due to blood loss. He ran into the prison cells where he had them living for safety reasons and found them open and all the women gone. Damien screamed out in rage, feeling inadequate to protect his people. This wouldn't have happened if he had already gone through the Kings ceremony, but without his Luna, he couldn't do it. He vowed to end the monsters terror on his people as soon as he did have her. Whether she wanted him or not, she was going to help him become the king for the good of his people.

He got the pack doctor from the infirmary and helped carry blood bags out to the drained. Slowly, one by one, they got all of their men blood and rejuvenated. It was a grueling task that took hours, but at least it brought up their numbers again. Damien feared that the monsters would come back hungry for more as werewolf blood metabolized faster in them and made them temporarily stronger. He often heard stories of werewolves finding their mates in the monsters kingdom while living blood bags for them. This usually resulted in the death of said werewolf as a mate to a monster would often taste so delicious to them that they would accidentally kill their mate. It was why most werewolves agreed that there was mo chance for cohabitation.

Damien secured the borders with monster alarms and hunkered everyone in the pack house. It was the best he could do as he called the pack who was coming to take their place soon. "Yeah. We're down a few shewolves and my men are recouping their bloodless but we really need backup as soon as you can. I know. OK, we'll I appreciate your concern and prayers. I'll see you the night before. OK. Bye." Damien hung up the phone and punched a wall with his fist. It felt so humiliating to be thus weak and defenseless against these bloodsuckers but there was really nothing he could do but hope and pray that they didn't return.

Morning soon arrived without any concern and they all felt the coast was clear and tried resuming their normal routines but many of the kids were too scared to learn and the teens were too angry to do their work. Word arrived via mail that the council heard of their plight and would help him in whatever way they could one he was king.

"This means absolutely Jack shit to me right now! Thats too far away!" He exclaimed visibly upset by the lack of support. He chuckled though at the idea of the council using express mail to overnight him a letter saying he was fucked beyond help.

His beta Thompson came to his office and read the letter. He chuckled and sat down in a chair. "So what now? Extra vigilance and more alarms?" He asked Damien perplexed. Damien nodded rereading the letter himself.

"Theres no way around it until I get her and become king." Damien sighed and looked at his beta. Thompson shrugged and looked out the window. "Could be worse, I suppose. I found a few missing wolf cases like you asked for." He says leaning back in his seat and put some files on Damiens desk.

"Any that match her wolf description?" Damien prodded. Thompson nodded and plucked two files out of the stack. "These two are the only ones with wolf descriptions and they match her. A large Chocolate coated female wolf with hunting skills." He told him. Damien looked at the files. Elizabeth Marie Cobbler and Samantha Delaware were the two files. Damien thought either one could be his mate but if Elizabeth was his mate and ran there would be trouble. National Park packs were secretive and didn't observe the rule of the king meaning she could hide with them if she didn't want to be his mate. Samantha on the other hand was a rogue werewolf and was wanted for several murders. He wondered if his mate was capable of such atrocities. He wasn't sure who he wished his mate was more as both were explicitly problems.

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