2: First Meeting then Straight Home

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Quinton felt nervous at first, but then as they handed him fresh raw meat, he felt more relaxed and felt his job training at the zoo kick in. He nodded at the people behind the window, and they opened up the metal door between the two of them slowly. She stretched out and stood up, making eye contact with Quinton. He got down on his knees slowly and closed his eyes, mouth open waiting for the awkward after treating french kisses that wolves used to say hello to each other. She slowly inched out and finally looked at the food he had. She sniffed it for poison or sedative and found it void of those. She scarfed it down, quickly loving the taste of fresh kill.

She licked the inside of his mouth once as a sign of peace and awaited his next move. He smiled and opened his eyes. "Ah... you're so beautiful in person." He said, admiring her shiny chocolate brown fur and stunning hazel eyes. He slowly reached for her head and gave her scratches behind her ears when she allowed him to touch. "A good sign. Give me ten more minutes and I'll be able to tell you if she's ready to go home with me." He called out to the guys at the window. She thought about it and realized they were gonna send her to this zookeepers house if she complied. A chance to get some freedom back, she hoped.

She lay down and exposed her belly in a submissive manner, allowing him to rub her belly like a common dog. "Well, never mind, she's accepted me as her packmate. I think I can take her home safely." He said, attaching the leash he had with him to the collar on her neck. They told him they had leash trained her already. They soon were out on the road. Her in her cage, laying down feeling the breeze hit her fur as he drove home. It had been a long time since she felt it. A good four years. The painful memories stung her as she shook them out of her mind.

Pulling up the driveway, she awoke and looked around. She sniffed, and her tail wagged happily. She could smell a pack nearby! Maybe escape would be possible, but as sudden as the scent was there, it was gone. She sighed. They're too far she would deem not acknowledging the shift in the wind blowing the scent away. Once inside, he unleashed her, and she trotted around, carefully knowing not to piss off her new captor on day one. "Sit, Cocoa!" She plopped down on his couch, deciding to lay down. Seeing if she could push his buttons a bit was a worthy test. He sighed, "I guess that's fine too, Cocoa." She hated that pet name the scientists gave her, but her coat was, in fact, chocolate colored so she gave them that point.

His phone rang, and he answered it. "Yeah, I did bring home a new pet. No, Damian, I won't let her off leash. I promise. Yeah, no worries. I understand there are children over there. Absolutely. I will have constant... 'dominance' over her. Yeah, I just don't like that usage. Well, that's a bit not really your business if I 'dom' in the bedroom. Oh... uh... yeah. It is a dog. It's a new breed they came out with, part wolf. Yes, I can control it. She's well trained... well, she will be well trained. No! Please don't worry! I have it all under control! Yes, of course I'll let you know if she gets out. OK. You too. Bye." He huffs away the stress of the phone call.

"Man, he gets on my nerves sometimes. So nosy and... creepy." Quinton looks over at Cocoa. She gives him a small wag but doesn't get up. "If you want to sleep with me, then come on. I'm headed to bed." He said, going upstairs. She followed suit, hoping the bed was comfier and big enough for the both of them. They settled into the bed, and he undressed down to his boxers. She eyed his bulge but didn't linger, closing her eyes as he got into bed. Turning off the lights, he went through his bedtime routine.

Check his phones, get comfy, and count sheep in his head. Soon, he was fast asleep. She looked around for cameras but found none. She decided it was now or never. She went to another room and tried shifting back to her human form. Her bones wiggled around but lacked the conviction of positioning. She focused harder on her human shape. Her face, her body, her feet, her hands, all of it fuzzy details in her mind, but nonetheless, she found herself wolfbound. Without a pack doctor, she would be stuck.... forever. She whimpered softly and lay on the floor of his bedroom, trying to wrap her head around the fact that she was probably going to be a wolf forever. It was hard to bear the thought, but as she fell asleep, she felt at peace with it. As if she knew all these years that it was the inevitable outcome.

Morning came, and soon, she awoke to an unfamiliar sound. She looked up at his bed to see him, fully erect, masterbating. His moans were soft and controlled, trying not to wake her up. She felt embarrassed for watching, but excitement stirred up in her. The most basic of her desires, lust, rearing its awful head up. She decided not to torture her and instead jumped up on the bed to stop him. She licked his face repeatedly and only stopped once he put it away.

"Jeez Cocoa! I'm fine! I'm just doing some human business! There's nothing to be worried about!" He ruffled her head in his hands and kissed her forehead, "You're a goofba-" his work phone rang out, cutting him off. He sighed. "Yes, boss? What results? Oh, the DNA? Was it sequenced and digitally tested? A 95% success rate? That's....oh God. Well, I did think about it. What about a male? Oh, that was already tested in the lab? Both males?" He sighed and looked down at Cocoa, a creature who shared so much DNA with humans. It was eerie.

"No, I'm up for the job, but... well, I was just hoping for a less... personal outcome. Aren't there laws against these kinda experiments? What if they come out... wrong? It would be inhumane to let such an abomination live. You've already done the math? Well, 0.00000001 percent chance of a nonviable offspring is good." He murmured. She finally paid attention to the conversation. Was he gonna try to breed with her, she wondered? Would the babies be wolfbound as well? Or would they come out as normal werewolf babies? It was a lot to take in on day two for her.

"Of course. Just give me time to build a bond. Sir! Not for my sake! Jeez! For Cocoa's sake! Best chance at offspring and no damage being done to her... internals is to see if she'll bond to me as a wolf. If I can get that, then I'll start to try. Yes, sir. No unnecessary delay. As soon as I get results, I'll start trying. Of course. Goodbye." Quinton slowly breathed out and looked at Cocoa watching him.

"Just my boss Cocoa. Don't stress yourself out for me." He got down to her level and stroked her fur. "I've got some good news, though! Sooner than expected, you're gonna have pups. Aren't you excited, Cocoa?" She licked his mouth to shut him up. He laughed. "Yeah! Good girl! I'm so excited! Me... oh boy. I'm not so much excited about it, Cocoa. Nothing against you, pretty girl. But gosh, I didn't think my first baby would be some creepy science experiment to "progress mankind's understanding and help protect this nation." It's just a bit much, is all." He laughed again, realizing he's talking to a creature about his emotions on the matter.

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