1: 1 week before HER

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Damien found himself restless and went for a walk around the compound. His house was the largest as it held the dining area and meeting hall as well as a prison on the third basement level. Sublevels one and two were the infirmary/OR and the birthing floor. He looked towards the school and then towards the farm area. He then gave a little jog down the dirt road houses lining both sides, each one a personal home for a pack member's family. He finally made it to the mailbox at the end of the road and looked across the main road at his neighbors house. When he first built it, they hadn't chopped down the trees at the end of the dirt road for cars yet. No one made enough money at the time to own a car beside him, and he parked by the main mailbox. A male pack member picked up the mail bowing in acknowledgment to Damien and then went down the dirt road to deliver each piece of mail to the respective pack members' personal mailbox. The gate stopped the mail car from entering and delivering the mail personally to each person, but Damien liked it that way as it prevented accidental sightings of someone shifting. Quinton walked out of his house and waved. They met in the middle of the main road.

"Hey Damien! How's the family? I haven't seen anyone leave for a while now." Quinton asked. Quinton still had his FBI shirt on from working at the office doing one on one physical training. Damien smiled and nodded, trying to appear friendly to his one and only neighbor.

"Ah, you should know by now our holidays!" He laughed and patted Quinton's shoulder, "It's the week of Our Goddess' Coupling with The First Male." Refrencing the first time the Goddess had sexual relations with a human conceiving the first litter of werewolves.

It was a time of celebration and usually meant a lot of fucking between mates. Which also meant a lot of pups in the spring. Most of his pack liked to go to the cave in wolf form for the first couple months to avoid the horrendous morning sickness and mood swings she wolves got as well as imparting what's known as the first shift for the fetus. It was required to do so at some point before birth to make sure you gave birth to a werewolf child and not...the monsters.

An immortal human born without a wolf with an insatiable blood lust for other humans' blood. It was said to be a curse bestowed upon werewolf kind by a witch who was rejected by her lover, for he found out he had a werewolf mate. Most packs now were good about doing their duty, and the Clan of monsters were soon forced into hiding by both werewolves and humans. Mostly, humans persecuted them for their need to feed, but werewolves grew their hatred when the clan started stealing pregnant wolf mothers and forcing them to stay in human form via wolfsbane to create more of them.

Back in the current conversation, Quinton looked at Damien with concern and confusion at his statement. Their weird traditions never got less weird to him. He was 92% sure they were a cult. It definitely didn't help that Damien stared off into space after that thinking about wolf creation and such. "Well, yeah," He laughed nervously, "I just work so much! I just can't keep it all straight mentally. You know... hard at work. Keeping the country safe... and.. all that... jazz." Quinton slowly trailed off as Damien started paying attention to him, his gaze hard and unwavering in a way that only army personnel have done. It irked him in a way that he couldn't quite place. Like he felt the need to either shine his shoes or run away to hide.

Quinton did neither, though, and just cleared his throat. " Well, it's always nice to catch up with you, Quinton. I better get back before I end up losing all my working hours to chitchat." Damien then left Quinton there bewildered and irrevocably phased into a weird sense of uncanny valley.

Damien found himself back at the pack house, but there was a huge crowd out front with a fist fight in the middle. He whistled, and everyone not involved dispersed, and the two young men remained standing at attention to their Alpha. The man on the left pointed at the other guy in an accusatory fashion like young boys would do. He sighed and appointed both boys to birthroom duty.

Maybe the miracle of life will remind them how petty their fight is, he thought to himself.

Quinton received a call on his work cellphone as he walked back into his house. "We have an assignment that we'd like you to consider. We think you're perfect for this job considering your past employment." His boss spoke with certainty that Quinton rolled his eyes at. " My past employment? Just send me the details to my work email, and I'll give a response by EOD. Sound good?" Quinton asked, mocking his boss' tone. The line went quiet, and a ding could be heard on his work laptop. He looked at his phone and scoffed at the fact that the boss had hung up on him. He checked his email and saw an informative pdf file along with the terms of the assignment, all attached to an email labeled "Thanks for doing your part!". He rolled his eyes again. Looks like the offer was a demand.

He downloaded the file and looked it over. A new wolf species? The demands were long, lengthy, and some were downright unconstitutional, but the pay increase was nearly triple what he made now alongside the bonus of working from home two days every week. They were really trying to butter him up for this. I must be their last reasonable candidate within the bureau.

"Let's see if I can even do any of this list. Hm, veterinarian duties, can do, training of basic and specific tasks, can do, general care and enrichment, can do....oh...oh my God." His eyes read and reread the last bit over and over, but his eyes did not deceive him. " Assistance in breeding upon either DNA analysis results and/or locating male specimen. Does that mean? Do they want me to fuck a wolf for science? Motherfuckers are freaky.... but the money. And my job! I can't lose this job... but...wellllll. The DNA part would suggest compatibility possibilities... which would mean it would have to be closer to human? What does this thing look like? Oh my God. What if it looks like a whole ass werewolf! I can't be qualified in any regulation for that!"

His fingers scroll down and click the video file. His whole body relaxed upon the sight of a four-legged creature. It probably won't be compatible for a human then. I can definitely do an assisted in captivity breeding. Did plenty of those at the zoo. The camera stabilized, and then a human walked into frame, giving Quinton a reference on the massive size of the creature. She was double the size of a regular wolf at least and most definitely on par with the dire wolves of the dinosaur age. He had gasped in recognition that this could be very dangerous and that the first meeting would make or break this job for him. From past experience with wolves at the zoo, it was all about that first meeting, especially if you took one home with you. This thing would be living with him indefinitely and would probably be going into the office with him as well. Which means no more front desk for me! Fuck yeah!

The video cut short as it broke free of its sedation and started moving around. He then scrolled to the bottom and clicked on the provided schedule. This Friday will be the introduction day. Let's hope it goes well.

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