Just as the conversation about the concept was getting heated, I raised my hand, knowing that Jihyeon and the other members would handle the rest.

“I’m going to step out for a bit. Can you guys take care of the rest?”

“Ah, sure.”

“Where are you going?”

Kim Seonghyeon held me back. He’s probably suspicious that I will do something crazy on my own.

But I didn’t blink an eye as I answered.

“I’m going to meet my younger brother for a bit.”


“Yeah, the one from the hospital last time.”

“Take care~.”

Jeong Dajun bid me farewell cheerfully. I quickly asked Jihyeon for a favor, slipped out of the practice room, and found the scammer’s number I had called earlier. Just in case, I brushed my bangs down and flipped my hat backward.

More and more people have recognized me since I started appearing on YouTube. As I left the onlookers behind and got into a taxi, I made a phone call.

“Yes, I’m on my way.”

I heard the sound coming from the other end of the phone. As I looked out the taxi window, I saw a Shining Star advertisement bus passing by in the distance. The Today members were plastered all over it, and Kim Seonghyeon’s anxious gaze came to mind.

Seonghyeon, I’m sorry.

“This is solid information.”

I’m going to do something crazy, that’s for sure.

“You won’t regret it.”


The job of a paparazzi was not common. However, with the recent Hallyu wave sweeping across Asia and Chinese gossip magazines picking up on the trend, being a paparazzi became quite lucrative.

There was no place too far for them when there were rumors to be sniffed out. Although the job involved digging into people’s private lives, it was very satisfying for the morally lacking Kim Jaeyeon.

Having seen numerous stars up close, Kim Jaeyeon was now intently focused on the man before him.

Seo Hoyun was a man enjoying newfound fame. His agency, Daepaseong Entertainment, launched a new idol group that flopped as soon as it debuted. Yet, public opinion shifted in their favor after Hoyun joined them. There was the robbery case, the egg incident, and Hoyun’s extraordinary performance in the current Shining Star.

It was too well-timed to be a mere coincidence. In every incident, Hoyun took an unpredictable route. But it had nothing to do with Kim Jaeyeon, so it was fine.

That is until Hoyun suddenly contacted him out of the blue.

“Seo Hoyun.”

“Yes, Kim Jaeyeon.”

Kim Jaeyeon was taken aback. He had always used a pseudonym, but now Hoyun addressed him by his real name.

“…Let’s put aside how you found out my name.”


“How on earth did you get in touch with me?”

Unexpectedly, the man in question ordered lemonade while flipping through the menu. He then calmly rested his chin on his hand and started speaking nonsense.

“I wrote a number on each rose petal and scattered them on the ground… Your number came up.”

“… Excuse me?”

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