“Ah, sorry. Let’s just go.”

Seong Jiwon made a confused face after speaking. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but we were short on time, so I didn’t ask further and returned to the waiting room.

The members seemed restless, seeing that we were late and the showcase was soon to begin.

“Why are you guys so late?”

“Was the bathroom that urgent?”

“Yes, you rascals.”

They pretended to tease us even though they had already figured out the situation.

They’re quick on the uptake.

Instead of responding, I followed the staff member guiding the members through the dark backstage. The sound from the VCR, featuring each member’s face, was playing.

Kim Seonghyeon, like a true leader, gathered us together.

“Let’s do our chant.”

“…Did we have a chant?”


“Just make one up, quickly.”

Everyone added a word, creating a commotion. Kim Seonghyeon sighed deeply and raised his hand in the middle of the gathered members.

“Let’s just raise our hands. We need to do something like this before going on stage.”


Five hands came together in the air. It felt both awkward and natural for me to be a part of this.

What do I mean? Don’t ask me. I don’t understand this feeling either.

I could see the faces of the members, looking nervous or smiling uneasily. Kim Seonghyeon hesitated before speaking.

“We’ve worked really hard for a month… Let’s keep working hard for the next month too.”


“That was so weak!”

“Let’s come up with a cooler chant!”

“Ah, let’s just do our best.”

“Yeah, let’s do well.”

“Let’s rock the stage.”

Kim Seonghyeon said with enthusiasm.

“Aja aja, fighting!”

Everyone laughed and teased each other over the improvised chant, which helped relieve the tension. I was glad to see everyone more relaxed.

As we walked onto the dark stage, cheers erupted. In the darkness, I locked eyes with Seong Jiwon. He silently mouthed something.


Even though he was the most nervous, Seong Jiwon encouraged me. It was hard to tell who was supporting whom at this point.

Nonetheless, I felt a sense of accomplishment for using my points on an energy drink.

I grinned but quickly composed my face as the music started.

As the song began, the fans’ cheers grew louder. At the same time, we heard their voices chanting.

“Kim Seonghyeon, Seong Jiwon, Seo Hoyun, Kang Ichae, Jeong Dajun!”


Is this a fan chant?

The fans were shouting their fan chant from below. We were all surprised, as it was unexpected.

“More, Second Chance!”

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