"So...where we heading anyway?"

Spike asked as he looked at the side mirror. No one knew where were heading. I know everyone wants to know my story. I can tell from their glances...

"Head for Mr. Giles house..."

Lisa said still not turning her eyes from the window. Her voice seems...cold. Not like her voice earlier...

"...I think we can trust him..."

Spike nodded and started driving towards Mr. Giles house...or mansion...I can't help but glance at Lisa who was still staring at the window...avoiding me...

Lisa's POV

All of us were sitting on Mr. Giles living room...even him. I couldn't help but look at the floor, frowning as J tells us her story...

About how many years she's been an angel...

How heaven looks like...

How she accepted a job being a guardian angel...

And...how she guard me...everyday...or every second...

That she know everything about me...

That she's been beside me since...my birth...

That she watched all my hardships to go here...in Busan...with everyone...with her...

As she told this story, I never once look at her...though I feel she's looking at me. I couldn't help it...it was too much...too much for me to handle. I sighed as the silent continue to grow among us. I couldn't take the silence anymore...so I excused myself and headed for the garden...thinking...

Jennie's POV

I looked at Lisa as she excused herself and slowly went outside to the garden. I felt hurt that she wouldn't look at me.

'Am I that hideous to look at?'

I looked at my hands on my lap and clenched them trying not to cry. Rosé...who was sitting beside me placed her hand on top of mine which made me look at her.

"Hey...it's alright...give her time. I guess she's just confused..."

I nodded as Rosé removed her hand on mine. Spike suddenly stood up and started pacing around, frowning.

"So let me get this straight...You're an angel...who was sent here to retrieve the old mans wings. Am I right?"

I nodded as he continues.

"You've been guarding Lisa since she's a child...and now that you've met her...you've fallen in love with her..."

"No...I've fallen for her since the beginning. Meeting her just made me realize it..."

"Right. Uh...when Lisa was stabbed by Mike...are you...?"

I nodded remembering that incident.

"I...I guess I was responsible for the quick healing of her wound..."

"I guess that's explains it better that calling Lisa a bloody witch..."

I smiled remembering the times when Spike would tease Lisa about being a witch. Spike smiled slightly, but still continues pacing around.

"So...your angelic powers...seems to be slowly returning. First the healing power...then your wings. It's only a matter of time until you become a full fledged angel again...and you can go back...to where you...belong."

He stopped pacing and looked at me with a serious face. Everyone turned to me looking for some kind of confirmation to Spike's discovery. I just looked at my hands again not sure what to say. Spike was the one who talked again though...

"If you ask me...the reason why Lisa is acting this way...is coz...she realizes that...somehow she might end up losing you...when she only got you..."

I slowly looked at Spike who was looking at the door where Lisa went out. All the things he said...were all true. Maybe Lisa is afraid that I might leave her...that's why she's detaching herself from me. Will I...? Will I really go back in heaven rather than stay here with Lisa? Am I allowed to do that?

Lisa's POV

I think it's been half an hour since I'm sitting here on top of a large tree. I kept thinking about how I met B and everything else's that happened. It's like I'm in some kind of a fairy tale land where I get to meet and angel that would change my life. And now...that fairy tale would soon end...but...would I keep my angel? Probably not...

I sighed and noticed someone walking and saw that it was J. She's looking around for awhile then stretches her wings and arms. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Feels good to finally stretch those wings of yours, eh?"

She looks around trying to find my voice...but she can't see me with me sitting in a branch of a tree. I sat up and dropped down on the ground to face her.


"Jennie...or...is that your real name...?"

"It's my...only name. You named me...remember?"

I frowned slightly and remember when mom first taught me how to pray. I named my guardian angel...Jennie. I sighed and slightly smiled at her...

"Yeah...I remember...I told that to mom while I was praying right?"

She nodded and I looked up to look at the moon that's shining brightly.

"You know...it's weird but...somehow...when my mom died. I never felt that I was alone. It's like...even if I don't have a family...I know that someone is watching over me...always. Now I know why I felt that way..."

I slowly looked at her, smiling. I was surprised though when ran towards me and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her tighter.

"So...you're not mad...at me?"

"I was never mad at you J... I guess I was just...hurt and disappointed that...you didn't tell me this sooner..."

"I thought...you'd be disgusted...that's why I never told you..."

"J...there's nothing disgusting with you...except for the way you eat sometimes..."

She pulled away from me slightly and looked at me pouting.

"I'm just kidding...anyway...even if you have wings or a horn or whatever it is. I'd still love you whatever you look like."

"What if I look like a...alligator...would you love me still?"

"Yeah...as long as you don't bite me or eat me..."

She leaned at my ear and nibbled my earlobe whispering...

"I don't think I can promise you that..."

I couldn't help but blush while she looked at me giggling. I looked at her with a shocked face.

"J! You devil you! And you call yourself an angel!"

She shrugged and I just pull her to me and gave her a peck on her lips.

"C'mon...it's pretty late. We should get some rest..."

She nodded and we walked together with my arm still on her waist. It feels nice holding her like this. I just wish that I could hold her like this...forever. But...I know that this happiness that I'm feeling...never lasts...

No one's POV

Unknown to the couple, an old man is silently staring at them with a slight smile on his face.

"It's almost time...to go back..." 

Angel of Mine (Jenlisa FF)Where stories live. Discover now