secret hangout - vvd x taa

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van dijk is 17 here, and trent is 16,highschool au, they are in class at the start

requested by adom_opoku

Van Dijk's POV

God, english class is so boring. How could anyone like it, even the nerds look bored!

Trent taps Virgils shoulder

"Hey, wanna go to the bathroom?" Trent whispered, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I was startled by the tap, but i agreed anyway.

"Sure, but you ask the teacher first this time." I responded.

He smiled, then asked the teacher if he could go to the bathroom. After that, it was my turn.

"Uhh, miss? May I go to the bathroom?"

"You may."

As I went out of class, Trent was already waiting for me.

"So are we gonna hang out at the usual?" I asked, putting my arm on his shoulder.

"Yeah, obviously. We always go there, and you always ask that question," he smiled as we walked to the stairs. "I know you're just making sure though."

I smiled back, as we walked to the stairs.

"How did you know how to get there anyway?" I asked.

"I used to go there a lot last year," he replied, "And hang out with some of my friends, but they graduated already."

"If I graduate, will you find someone else to hangout there?"

"Of course not, Vir! I'll wait till I graduate and we can meet, and we can be in the same university and major!" he exclaimed.

I smiled upon hearing that, and we finally arrived to the spot.

The rooftop!

Third Person POV

Trent smiled as he walked into the fresh air outside, and Virgil followed.

"It's always so beautiful, like you, Vir."

"I uh- uh thanks!" Virgil responded as he blushed, "You're also beautiful!"

The rooftop was always their hangout space, some people even swore that they saw people kissing there, but maybe they  actually did. Who knows? It might be Virgil and Trent, maybe.

football oneshots!! / BXBNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ