part 2 of "oh mydasys its me birthday"

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i said I would make part 2 and I can't sleep rn😊😊

29 May, 00:31 P.M.

When the baby was born, Iker and Sergio was so happy! Sergio had to take some days off, of course because he needs to recover.

After 3 years because I'm lazy😲😵😴💤

"Papa! Dada, look! Me made a drawing." Farendra showed the drawing to Iker, it was 3 stickmen, supposedly a drawing of Iker, Sergio, and Farendra. "Oh.. That's really good! Keep it up." Iker was trying to not make his son sad, because the drawing was really disgusting crusty musty dusty Krabby patty ugly ass but Iker still liked it ofc

"Sese, look! Farendra made a drawing, of us." Iker was trying to hold in his laugh. "Show dada the drawing, faren." Farendra showed the drawing to Sergio, and Sergio looked really proud.

"That's so cute! I'm putting this on the fridge." Sergio walked to the fridge, making the drawing stay put with a magnet. "Hey, what about we go to the ice cream shop?" Sergio said. "Yes!! I want ice cream dada!!" They all were smiling brightly. Ever since he was born, Sergio and Iker had never been more happy in their whole entire life.

"2 chocolate ice creams and 1 vanilla, please." Iker was always the one to order, since Sergio was busy keeping Farendra entertained. "Here you go, don't spill it, okay?" Iker said as he gave the ice creams. "Okay papa!" They were all so happy, but once he spilled his ice cream, things got really, really bad.

"I WANT ANOTHER ICE CREAM!!!" And then came a tantrum. Not such a great day, but atleast earlier it was fine.

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