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requested by cristiano_bug
idk what's the ship name, so i think lewanaldo is correct?
ronaldo in real here
10:04, Monday, 24 April 2023

It was the end of a game, 4-2, Bayern Munich winning the game to Real Madrid. Cristiano was ashamed, thinking it was his fault Real lost. "Cris? Are you okay?" Sergio said while approaching Cristiano. ".. No! It's all my fault we lost. I'm sorry Sergio.." He hugged me. "It's not your fault, its all of ours. You helped us score a goal! That's good enough." Sergio was right, but Cristiano didn't think of it that way. "Thanks Sergio." "Your welcome, Cris!"

Cristiano Pov

It was all my fault. I didn't do good enough. Sergio just said that to make me feel better about losing. "I have to go now Cris, and someone wants to see you by the way. Bye!" "Bye Sergio." Someone wanted to see me? Who would want to see me right now.. I just lost an important final! I wonder who it is.. I heard someone walk into the room, "Hello? Is someone there?" I said.

It was silent?

"Cris?" I heard a familiar voice talk to me from behind. "Lewa?" "Yeah.. Are you okay?" I stayed quiet, trying not to cry. "No.." .. It was quiet for a few minutes, until he sat next to me. "It's okay, I'm here for you. It's normal to lose.." He said, trying to comfort me. "No! It was the final. I tried so hard to win!" I cried. "..Hey, atleast you made it to the final right? You won alot of matches for this! I know you, Cris. And you're a really good player." Hearing him say that made me feel special. I felt appreciated. I hugged him, tightly. I didn't ever want to let go of him, "It's alright. I will always be here for you.

"I'm lucky I have you, I love you." "I love you too Cris." We watched a movie since I felt better. Now that I think of it, I did pretty good.

sorry it's really short, idk what else to put.

football oneshots!! / BXBHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin