capy - seriker

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Amo tanto a seriker - otter
8:02, Saturday, 22 April 2023

Sergio hugged Iker tightly. "We won!And I didn't manage to get a red card.. Sooo?" Iker looked at Sergio confused. "What" "We won and I didn't get a red card, maybe you could take me out on a date?" "Please?" Sergio pleaded.
"Okay, where to?" Sergio thought until he remembered, he always wanted to go to this little capy cafe (capybara) "Capybara cafe! It's always been my dream." "Okay.. Where is that?.. Atleast give me the location." Sergio found a place, and showed the location to Iker. "Okay, it's 1103 capyy street." "Let's go sese"

Iker drove Sergio and him to the capybara cafe. Sergio was met with a cute fat capybara as soon as he came in. "OH MY GOD! CAPYBARA! LOOK AT THIS IKER" "Haha, it's you. A capi" Iker joked.
"Maybe I am capi now, but you will always be capi for me. Let's go order now, what do you want?" "Is there coffee?" Iker asked to the waitress. "Yeah! What kind?" "A latte please" "Just that?" "Yeah" "Okay and for you sir?" "Hmm i'd like some French fries and a latte, thanks."

When their orders came

"Damn this capybara really likes me!" Iker said while petting the capybara. "I know, it's great! Even our latte has capybara art on it. Did you notice?" "Oh yeah, it's really cute, like you sese." "Shut up Iker, or I'm gonna tackle you." Iker and Sergio smiled, "Do you like the fries? It's really good." Iker kept eating the fries, and Sergio kept petting and laughing at the capybara. "Aww look at this capybara, I'm definitely taking a selfie with you." Sergio took out his phone and took a selfie with the capybara. After that, they finished their food and left. "That was really fun." "Yeah but we better go home soon sese it's getting late." "Okay Iker." They drove back to their house, and after that they watched a movie and cuddled in bed. "I love you, sese." "I love you too, capi."

btw most of the oneshots is gonna be short because I have no motivation at all, sorry not sorry otter😜👎🙅

football oneshots!! / BXBDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora