lie - cristessi

401 6 2

its probably bad since I don't even recheck the story after im done with it, but this is kinda sad idk
20:27, Thursday, 27 April 2023


"Hey babe, im going to a club with Sergio and Marcelo. Im gonna be back as soon as I can-" Cristiano was interrupted by me saying "Promise to not get too drunk and dance or kiss someone else.." "Of course I promise, I would never do that to you."

A few hours passed, I was still waiting for Cristiano to come home. It was already 2:00 a.m. , I wanted him to come home, so I tracked his location on Snapchat and drove to the club. It was still very busy, flashing lights and loud music. There was so many people, I tried to find Cristiano but I found Sergio instead. "Sergio! Where's Cris?" I asked Sergio, but I think he was too drunk so he just pointed to the direction Cristiano was at.

I went to the way Sergio was pointing, it took a few minutes to find Cristiano. But I saw a girl dancing on him.. It looked like he was enjoying it.. I wanted to leave right now, but I couldn't resist my emotions, I couldn't resist crying, I burst into tears, "CRIS! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME.. YOU PROMISED! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LIED!" I shouted, everyone in near me stared at me, including Cristiano. He quickly pushed the girl away, and apologized to me, I couldn't even speak because I had mixed emotions, shocked, sad, and angry. "FUCK YOU CRISTIANO! OUR RELATIONSHIP IS OVER!" I ran away, Cristiano chasing me. "Wait! Leo- Im s- sorry!" I went out of the club, wiping my tears away. How could he do this to me? I trusted him.. I was about to go into my car, until I felt someone touch me. I turned around, guess who it was? Cristiano.

"G- go away Cristiano. Im done with you!" I said, trying not to cry again. "Please- just hear me out. It was a mistake!- I got a little too much drinks, and I didn't know what I was thinking.. Please, forgive me Leo. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me!" I wanted to punch him in the face at this moment, but I couldn't. I still loved him. I was about to speak when he grabbed my face, kissing me. ".. Do you forgive me? Please, I will never do this again." I felt my anger wash away. I just had to make a decision.. Should I do it? Fuck it! "Yes, I forgive you. I can't stay mad at you.. But if you do this again we are seriously over." He chuckled, "Alright.. Whatever it takes to still be with you" He was making me feel better, even though he made me feel like a piece of shit just a few minutes ago. "I love you.. Sorry for being mad at you." "No, it was my fault. I should have never went here, I love you too." We went back home, and cuddled until we fell asleep.

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