Jacky hit her head after realizing she was having a miscarriage "what did I do"


"Doe what you doing here?" Karen scared both me and Kierra out of our sleep.

"god damn you scared me Karen, I-I must of fell asleep last night Kierra asked me to come over" I got up grabbing my purse.

Kierra looked at me with her eyes wide, I quickly sat back down "Y'all must of had a party, look at all this pop corn" Karen laughed

"Mama can I talk to you?" Kierra asked, I laid back on the couch hoping Karen would react right to such news.

"yeah sure, whats up?" Karen sat down in the middle of us "please don't let her cuss both of us out" I mumbled to myself

"So you know that boy I was telling you about?" Kierra asked, Karen sat there silently for a bit "hm I'm trying to think. I'm sure you told me I just forgot" Karen giggled

"well, when you let me go out with my friends he was there and one thing led to another" Kierra held onto her necklace

"what do you mean one thing led to another Kierra?" Karens face scrunched up, my heart began to pace for Kierra.

"we had sex mommy" Kierra broke down into Karen's chest, I rubbed my head feeling exactly what she felt at once.

"Kierra w-what's going on? you can't be having sex like this! I want you to give yourself to a good man, not a highschool crush" Karen's voice slowly got louder

"mommy please don't be mad, I wasn't thinking straight" Kierra continued to cry

"Kierra baby stop that crying, its okay" Karen rubbed Kierra's back

"Karen you sound like mama and I'm sorry if that sounds wrong but you do. you need to comfort her instead of judging" I added

"Doe I-I know I just want better for her, I don't want the same thing that me and Drew went through to happen with her" Karen hugged Kierra

"but Karen shes not you nor is she her father, y'all situation is different. just be happy that her virginity wasn't taken from her" I shook my head

Kierra stared at me for a second "mama whats she talking about?" I rubbed my head noticing I spoke too much

"Kierra its nothing, remember how I told you we don't want you to look at your family members differently?" Karen says

"mama no w-what is auntie talking about?" Kierra nervously laughed, I shook my head feeling bad that she didn't know.

"Kierra I was raped when I was a little girl, grandma mattie didn't wanna believe it nor did auntie Jacky or auntie Denise. that's why its been such chaos in this family. we've been trying to fix it" I explained

I couldn't lie about my situation anymore, after lying for many years and holding it in to protect your parents image at a young age gets tiring.

Karen looked over in disbelief while shaking her head.

"you were what?" Kierra's face dropped

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