Chapter 21 : First kill

Start from the beginning


HP: 20/20

"eh!? that thing is a monster plant?" I looked better among the branches and I noticed a green tentacle sprouting between the foliage of the trees, I continued to follow it with my eyes, until I could find the origin or better the body from where it had sprouted, it was really 10 meters from me, how I did not notice it before?

"PFTTT!! Phuhahahah!! AND YOU CALL THAT A MONSTER!! HAHAHA!!". ( ^ิ艸^ิ゚)

Certainly the "monster" did not have the appearance that I had imagined, it was anchored on the ground, it was much lower than me, whereas for being a rose I reached the height of one meter, but it did not even reach my"hips", it was very low and was all green from head to toe, He had neither nose nor eyes, but only a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"PUHAHAHAHAH! AND IT'S UGLY!! HAHAHA!!... I-I CAN'T BREATHE.. ahaha!!.( ' థ艸థ ) "

"HAHA-OUCH!!!..." It hit me again.



[REMAINING HP: 21/30 ]

"HEY! , WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!? (#'Д')"

The monster tryed to slap me again, but this time I managed to dodge its attack, seeing that it had failed in its attack It growled at me, exposing the sharp teeth.

"hahaha, you can't catch me!!" ( ' ∇ ' )

___ a few attacks later_________

After the many failed attacks, the monster seemed to have surrendered.

"be careful don't anger me or i'll pluck all of your petals on your head and make you go bald, and you'll be even uglier" ლ(`∀'ლ)

But it was a trap and I fell for it. I did not notice a tentacle coming out of the ground and I stumbled over it, the tentacle broke free from the ground and trapped my roots, hung me upside down and took me to the main body of the monster. ('◇')?


"SYSTEM. .SYSTEM..! HELP MEE!" ( ༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ )



"System!.. How could you do this to me!?" ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

I found myself in front of the 'face' of the monster plant, It began to open wide its jaws, revealing all its teeth, I was scared... BUT I DID NOT WANT TO DIE!... so I clung to its petals and started to tear them from its head. The monster continued to wiggle and I too with it, but I didn't want to let go and I tore them almost all off, I was going to tear the last petal, but it was at that moment that it let go of me making me fall to the ground, in my clutches I still held its petals.


[ENEMY : 2 / 20 HP]

"Hahaha... I told you that I would rip off all your petals!... *pfttt* you are ugly.... and even bald", I kept teasing the monster, but suddenly, in despair it clung to my roots.

"Ah!... let me go!... what are you doing?" the monster clung to my roots and began to shake and cry, shaking its bald head left and right begging me to spare it, I was stunned, I never imagined that a monster plant could have feelings other than anger or bloodlust.

I tried to shake it off, but nothing to do I couldn' I tried to console it by patting it on the head.

The monster calmed down and then stopped shaking, I waited for the moment when it let go of me, but i let my guard down.

I was rincarnated as what? As a rose!!??Where stories live. Discover now